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Materials: none **Get out 15.1 and 15.2 notes to be checked

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1 Materials: none **Get out 15.1 and 15.2 notes to be checked
Put GPA homework in the tray. Catalyst (5 min): Name the 8 levels of classification in order from biggest to smallest. What traits does the Pigeon have? Is the pigeon more closely related to the chimp or the lizard? Why?

2 Materials: none **Turn in GPA homework to the tray. Catalyst: Imagine you are a time traveler. You have chosen to visit a period that is 10,000 years in the future. Based on what you know so far about biological evolution, write a scenario about how humans might evolve. Take into consideration present events on Earth, such as natural resources and environmental trends.

3 Elite Eight Trait Check-Up
Respect the Threshold Everyone on time? Silent for First Five? Be Prepared (2 min) Seated Have materials Working on catalyst

4 Class Motto If there is a problem, We look for a solution. If there is a better way, We find it. If we need help, We ask. If a teammate needs help, We give.

5 Announcements Research Question are Overdue! Turn them into the tray ASAP

6 Objectives I can explain the history of the theory of evolution
I can define the theory of evolution I can recite the components of evolution by natural selection (VSIT) I can apply VSIT to a given situation

7 Notes 1.15: Theories of Evolution



10 How is there so much diversity???

11 2 Theories of Evolution Lamarck- said organisms evolved by acquiring characteristics over a short period of time Darwin – said organisms gradually inherited beneficial traits over long periods of time

12 Who do you believe is correct?

13 Earlier ideas on Evolution (Listen)
LaMarck evolution by acquired traits creatures developed traits during their lifetime give those traits to their offspring example giraffes stretch their necks & give the acquired longer neck to offspring not accepted as valid

14 Darwin’s view of Evolution (Listen)
giraffes that already have long necks survive better in their habitat Those that survive are able to reproduce and leave more offspring who inherit their long necks variation selection & survival reproduction & inheritance of more fit traits

15 Real World Connection: Women of Thailand (No Notes)
They stretch their necks over their life time. THINK: Are their children born with longer necks?

16 WHO WAS DARWIN? Charles Darwin: made observations while he was traveling on a ship called the Beagle in the Galapagos Islands.

17 Galapagos Islands

18 Darwin saw variation (difference) within species on the different Islands

19 Darwin’s Finches Different finches lived in different environments

20 Darwin’s Finches Darwin realized the finches had different beaks based on their environment

21 What did his observations mean?

22 Darwin’s Finches If you were a finch who had to eat BIG seeds, which beak would be best?

23 Darwin’s Finches If you were a finch who had to eat SMALL seeds, which beak would be best?

24 Darwin’s Finches Finches beaks matched their environment

25 Darwin used his observations to develop the theory of evolution

26 Lonesome George Last known individual of one of 11 subspecies; three have already died out “Rarest creature” in the world 60-90 years of age

27 Evolution = change in a species over time

28 Lonesome George

29 What makes you different from a chimpanzee?

30 Evolution of Intelligence?
Research by Matsuzawa et al. Ayumu and short-term memory Ayumu averages 80% accuracy with 9-digit strings Humans average 40% with 5-digit strings Try it yourself:

31 In order for evolution to happen, you need….
Variation Selection Inheritance Time V S I T

32 Stands for… Means… Variation S I T Difference between individuals

33 Stands for… Means… V Selection I T Individuals with “good” traits will survive and reproduce more

34 V S Inheritance T Genes are passed from parent to child Stands for…
Means… V S Inheritance T Genes are passed from parent to child

35 Stands for… Means… V S I Time MANY generations

36 Think: What part of VSIT is this?

37 many generations

38 differences between individuals

39 individuals with good traits survive longer and reproduce more

40 genes are passed from parent to child

41 5 thousand years

42 A child gets his parents genes for brown eyes

43 different kinds of beaks

44 A butterfly who can camouflage to its environment survives longer

45 S = Selection Natural selection: organisms best suited to their environment as a result of good genes survive and reproduce **Nature, not humans, decides what survives and reproduces

46 Think: Natural selection or not?
Birds with a big beak are more likely to survive and reproduce on a certain island:

47 Evolution of the Bulldog (Think)
Judges ‘selecting’ what traits they expect to see in an ‘ideal bulldog’ -Dog breeders are aware of these traits and breed dogs that have these traits to produce offspring that have those ‘superior’ traits

48 I = Inheritance Inheritance = genes are passed down from one generation to the next Traits that you acquire (get during your life) are NOT inherited. EX: if you dye your hair purple, your kids will NOT have purple hair!

49 Think: Inheritance or not?
A mother passes her brown eyes to her son:

50 Think: Inheritance or not?
A man who cuts his hair short has a child who also cuts his hair short:

51 Moth Activity

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