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_________: the measure of how _________ water is due to _______________ ____________________. Turbidity cloudy suspended particles Definition:

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Presentation on theme: "_________: the measure of how _________ water is due to _______________ ____________________. Turbidity cloudy suspended particles Definition:"— Presentation transcript:

1 _________: the measure of how _________ water is due to _______________ ____________________.
Turbidity cloudy suspended particles Definition:

2 Levels: Ideal Level: ______ cm 50 High Level: ______ cm
Measured using a ______ _______. Dropped into a body of water until it ____________________. Can also use _________. High ______ = cloudy 50 20 secchi disk Levels: cannot be seen NTU’s NTU’s

3 High secchi disk reading = low turbidity
Low secchi disk reading = high turbidity

4 Causes of increased turbidity: increased levels of __________, sediment from erosion and _______, ______________, and ______________. algae rain Causes: pollution runoff

5 Results of high turbidity: high turbidity increases the ___________of the water. Warmer water has lower levels of ______________ ______________ causing plants and animals to ____. temperature Results: dissolved oxygen die

6 Definition: _________: the acidity of the water (0-14)
07 is ____________ 7 is ____________ 714 is ____________ pH an acid (acidic) Definition: neutral a base (basic)

7 Levels: Surface Freshwater: _____ _____ Swamps: as low as ________
Salt Water: _____ _____ 6 9 Levels: 4 7 8



10 Causes of changes in pH: natural conditions, pollution (_________), and runoff from _________ and ____________. Causes: batteries farms fertilizers

11 Results of changes in pH: a change in pH by ___ units results in a water system having ______ times a difference in acidity. Most organisms have a very __________ range of pH they can live in so small changes can ______. 2 100 Results: small kill

12 ___________________: the _________________ dissolved in the water.
Dissolved oxygen oxygen Definition:

13 Levels: Average Level: ______ ppm = parts per _______
Must be _____ ppm to support ____________ ________________. 9 million Levels: 4-5 a diverse population of fish


15 Causes of changes in dissolved oxygen: actions like ___________, and ________, water depth, plant growth and ________________. waves rapids Causes: temperature

16 Results of changes in dissolved oxygen: When DO drops too low fish __________. When DO is high, the water can __________ your pipes. Results: die corrode

17 ________________: measure of the speed of molecules
________________: measure of the speed of molecules. Most fish like ______ _______________ which means high _______. Temperature low temperature Definition: DO

18 Levels: Low: ____0 C, _____0 F
High: few fish can tolerate above ____0 C, ____0 F 32 36 97 Levels:

19 Surface Water Temperatures

20 Causes of change in temperature: source of water, _________________, ______________, depth of water, and amount of __________. time of year Causes: turbidity shade

21 Results: disease death higher drop death
Results of changes in temperature: can cause organisms to be more at risk to ___________, can cause _________ and __________ temperatures can cause dissolved oxygen to ___________, resulting in ___________. disease Results: death higher drop death

22 Definition: _________________ Nitrates
and ______________: compound that contains a certain ion ______ (Ex: Sodium Nitrate). Nitrates Phosphates NO3 Definition:

23 Levels: Drinking Water Max: __________________ 10 mg/L or ppm
Fish: above _____ ppm can reduce _______ and damage their ________ system. 10 mg/L or ppm Levels: 30 growth immune

24 Causes of nitrates: ___________ runoff, leaks in septic systems, animal ________, and ______ ___________ mixing with rain causing acid rain. fertilizer Causes: waste car exhaust

25 Results: increase overcrowding dissolved oxygen killing
Results of presence of nitrates: can __________ the plant and fish population resulting in ____________. If algae increases, the ______________________ levels can decrease, __________ fish. increase overcrowding Results: dissolved oxygen killing

26 _______________: _______________ found living in water that are sensitive to __________.
Bio-indicators organisms Definition: pollution

27 Levels: High Levels indicate: _________ water source healthy
Low Levels indicate: __________water source (probably high levels of __________). healthy Levels: poor pollution


29 Causes of changes in bio-indicators: pollution that results in changes in _____, temperature, dissolved oxygen, or ____________ levels. pH Causes: nitrates

30 Results of few bio-indicators present: the lack of a _________ number of bio-indicators usually indicates high levels of ___________. large Results: pollution

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