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Explore the many benefits and different ways of using Lifelites equipment.

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2 Explore the many benefits and different ways of using Lifelites equipment.


4 What is it? Application based interactive projection system How does it work? Participants simply move over the projected apps to trigger a dynamic audio-visual response.

5 Who is it for? What are the benefits? Everyone!! Fun….fun…fun!!
Hand-eye coordination/ Physical development Relaxation Distraction Imagination Education


7 In groups: Have you got this equipment? What is your favourite thing about it? Which children have you used this with – share some information about their ages, their abilities/disabilities and conditions and what was the impact. How have you used the equipment most often – what games/activities Where do you/should you store the Magic Carpet What is stopping you using the equipment more? What could you do about it?

8 Today we pulled back the lino for the magic carpet and put out a big roll of white paper instead, so the kids were able to draw fish with one of the water effects on – Rebecca House Acorns in the Black Country

9 Zoes Place - Middlesbrough
Shooting Star (CHASE) Bluebell Wood

10 “Magic Carpet gives children the opportunity to
“Magic Carpet gives children the opportunity to escape the confines of their condition and embrace a world of make-believe. They can fly a plane, splash in the sea and even play football. This means so much to a child whose life is restricted by their condition. They can let their imaginations run wild and control something for themselves.”

11 Caroline Jellyman – Training Manager
Katherine Bentley – Trainer Lifelites Technical Support Services


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