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I haven’t seen her lately, so I think I will visit her.

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Presentation on theme: "I haven’t seen her lately, so I think I will visit her."— Presentation transcript:

1 I haven’t seen her lately, so I think I will visit her.

2 Compound Sentence

3 A ________ often has a subject and verb but does not complete a thought.

4 Dependent Clause

5 Even though I drove carefully

6 Dependent Clause

7 I couldn’t go to the party because I broke the rules at home.

8 Complex Sentence

9 A ____________ is another name for an independent clause.

10 Simple Sentence

11 Because she was too short

12 Independent Clause

13 Although I studied, I did not pass my test.

14 Complex Sentence

15 A __________ conjunction connects like words or word groups
A __________ conjunction connects like words or word groups. FANBOYS is the acronym we use to remember this.

16 Coordinating Conjunction

17 I didn’t see her, but I know she was there.
What type of conjunction?

18 Compound Sentence

19 Two independent clauses make a ____________ sentence.

20 Compound

21 Since we were already there, we stayed for the presentation.
Which type of conjunction?

22 Subordinating-Since

23 Jesse played volleyball; Annie sat on the beach.

24 I ran to the store.

25 Compound Sentence

26 Either set the table now or wash the dishes later.
What type of conjunction?

27 Correlative Conjunction

28 A dependent clause and an independent clause make a _________ sentence.

29 Complex

30 A _________ conjunction is used in pairs.

31 Correlative

32 I can wash the dishes.

33 Independent Clause/Simple Sentence

34 I made cookies, but Meredith baked brownies.

35 Compound Sentence

36 Which type of clause has a subject and verb and completes a thought?

37 Independent Clause

38 As long as I see the lion at the zoo, I will be happy.
What type of conjunction?

39 Subordinating

40 I am as cool as a cucumber.
What type of conjunction?

41 Correlative

42 If you use hand sanitizer, you will lessen the chance of spreading germs.

43 Complex Sentence

44 I am going to MSU; Brad is going to U of M.

45 Compound Sentence

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