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Angelology The Angel of the LORD.

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1 Angelology The Angel of the LORD

2 Almost without exception when the phrase “Angel of the LORD” is found the reference is to a particular person and not to an angel in general. The appearances of the Angel of the LORD, were primarily to individuals with whom God had business relative to the divine plan of redemption, particularly as it related to the nation of Israel.

3 Appearances of the Angel of the LORD
Hagar – Genesis 16:7-14 Abraham – Genesis 22:11-18 Jacob – Genesis 31:11,13 Moses – Exodus 3:2-5 Israel – Exodus 14:19 Balaam – Numbers 22:22-35 Gideon – Judges 6:11-23 Manoah – Judges 13:2-25 David – 1 Chronicles 21:15-17 Elijah – 1 Kings 19:35

4 Additionally the Angel of LORD was active in preceding Israel into Canaan (Exodus 23:20; 32:34), in killing 185,000 Assyrians (2 Kings 19:35), in standing among the myrtle trees on Zechariah’s vision (Zechariah 1:11) and in defending Joshua the high priest against Satan (Zechariah 3:1). Of special interest His appearance to Abraham in reference to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Here the redemptive purpose of is very apparent. (Gen. 18:1-22)

5 In another encounter between Abraham and the Angel of the LORD, Abraham named the site of that encounter acknowledging that he had spoken with God. (Gen. 22:11-14) When Joshua was confronted just before the conquering of Jericho, the person with whom he conversed identified Himself as deity by the same token given to Moses at the burning bush – remove your shoes, you are standing on holy ground. (Josh. 5:13-15)

6 Theophany – An Old Testament appearance of God in visible form.

7 Understanding the identity of the Angel of the LORD is critical for the correct interpretation of the passages where He appears. It also serves to encourage us with the reality that God has always been personally involved in accomplishing His eternal plan of redemption. Further, God’s presence with His people has always been His purpose. The presence of God in the pillar of a cloud by day and a pillar of firm by night throughout the wilderness wandering should have challenged Israel to fear and obey the Lord.


9 The danger for believers today, who have the presence of God in the person of the Holy Spirit who literally tabernacles in the body of the believer, is that this presence will be taken for granted because it is continually there. The method of God’s presence has changed from the Angel of the Lord, but his purpose has not. The presence of God, while a comfort, is so much more. God designs to protect, lead, and sanctify the believer.

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