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DAILY SCHEDULE Afternoon Morning Morning Meeting Writer’s Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY SCHEDULE Afternoon Morning Morning Meeting Writer’s Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 DAILY SCHEDULE Afternoon Morning Morning Meeting Writer’s Workshop
Spelling/ Handwriting/ Phonics Writer’s Workshop Specials Read Aloud Science/Social Studies/Health Centers Classroom Jobs Morning Morning Meeting Shared Reading Making Meaning Reader’s Workshop Snack Math lesson Lunch

2 Classroom Climate Celebrations -Positive Reinforcement
-Group Incentives -Recognition *We talk about our class as being a team. -We work together to help each other make good choices and be responsible for our actions. *”Being Responsible Note” given after numerous positive reminders.

3 Classroom Agreements I will raise my hand to speak.
I will listen when others are speaking. I will keep my hands and feet to myself. I will turn in quality work (name and nice handwriting). I will show respect to myself, my room, others and the teacher.

4 Homework Policy Spelling homework will be sent home with your child every other Monday and will be due back the following Friday. Please initial the spelling homework before bringing it back to school. Reading comprehension/fluency worksheets will be sent home on Monday and will be due on Friday. Math- Math Home Links will be sent home Monday-Thursday and will be due back the day after they are assigned. Please initial your child’s Home Links each night. Homework is practice to be done and corrected at home with your support. Please help your child complete his/her homework neatly and correctly. If you have any questions on your child’s homework please contact me by so that I may help.

5 Curriculum Math Reading Writing Spelling Science Health Social Studies

6 Math Place Value Money Fractions Geometry (shapes) Estimating
Comparing numbers Telling time Days of the week Months of the year Money Geometry (shapes) Adding and subtracting Fact families Story problems Patterns Calculators

7 READING Shared Reading Independent Reading Guided Reading Big Books
Fluency Comprehension Partner Reading Choral Reading Phonics Sight words Individual Conferences Reading at home

8 WRITING Writer’s Workshop -Main Idea: Writing for meaning
-Beginning/Middle/End -Fiction (Small Moments and Realistic) -Non-Fiction -Poetry -Editing/Revising -Publishing stories -Author Study -Handwriting/Grammar -Attitude

9 SPELLING Spelling Homework Spelling Test Wall Words Handwriting
Editing Emphasis is placed on spelling correctly in everyday writing

10 SCIENCE Sound/Ear Sight/Eye Earth Through Time Air/Weather
Interactions of Living Things

11 HEALTH Establishing a Healthy Classroom (Rules, Making Friends)
Promoting Health and Safety (Healthy Choices, Nutrition, Safe Use of Medications) Understanding our Body Systems (Senses – Eyes and Ears)

12 SOCIAL STUDIES Communities (Suburban/Urban/Rural) Maps
All About Earth (Geography) Our Past (History) All About Work (Producers/Consumers/Economics/Goods/Services/Wants/Needs) Our Government Core Democratic Values

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