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Canadian Employment Patterns

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1 Canadian Employment Patterns
Labour Studies 1C03 Sept 30 Canadian Employment Patterns

2 20th Century Industry “Fordism” The family wage ideology
Scientific management / Taylorism Human relations

3 Scientific Management
Decision making was with managers “Scientific” methods to determine most efficient way to do a job Detailed descriptions for each step in the job Select the best (fastest) workers Training workers on “efficiency” Closely monitor performance

4 Human Capital Theory Invest in your capital, reap the rewards

5 Key themes today Shift to services Women in the workforce
Changes in patterns of work Technological change Globalization/restructuring

6 Postindustrial Society
Knowledge workers Economizing logic versus sociologizing logic

7 Source: Statistics Canada

8 Source: Basset, Penny "Declining female labour force participation." Perspectives on Labour and Income. Vol 6. No. 2

9 Source: McMullen, K "Why are the majority of university students women?" Education Matters. Vol 1. Number 5. Statistics Canada: Ottawa.

10 Gender differences in goods
Source: Statistics Canada

11 Gender differences in services
Source: Statistics Canada

12 Occupation patterns Blue collar White collar Pink collar


14 Self-employment More self-employed than in US
More solo self-employed than employer-self-employed

15 Unemployment What causes it? Not demographic Not “personal” Not EI

16 Technological change “Machinery, when considered alone, shortens the hours of labor, but, when in the service of capital, lengthens them” Marx, K., & Engels, F. (1977). Capital: A Critique of Political Economy (B. Fowkes, Trans. Vol. 1). New York: Vintage Books.p. 568

17 Dimensions of globalization
Economic: Internationalization of production Harmonization of standards Increased mobility of capital Ideological Trade liberalization; “deregulation” Technological Cultural “universal culture”

18 Canada and Free Trade 1989 FTA 1994 NAFTA Jobs leaving
The role of the State


20 Restructuring Recessions Job loss New management strategies

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