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2 Cash is King Our system is designed to ensure cash is available to meet debt obligations Around since the Great Depression and largely unchanged This system has protected bond owners for over 80 years

3 Budget Drives Finances
The State limits “bad practices” You may not anticipate more in a revenue than was collected in cash in the prior year Pension payment must be made in full Debt Service must be fully budgeted The use of Fund Balance is restricted to Cash State approves the budget

4 Material departures from GAAP
All receivables are 100% reserved – in GAAP terms a 100% allowance for doubtful accounts Even transactions between funds even when the cash exists! Excess budget funds sit in a reserve for one more year – just in case (Appropriation Reserves)

5 Material Departure from GAAP
We are not allowed to reserve for lifetime health benefits – not all towns participate Accumulated time is just a disclosure its not expensed No Depreciation

6 Municipal Utilities Follow the same rules – except interest is accrued

7 Capital 5% down payment on new ordinances
Except self liquating utilities Term of bond can not be longer than the useful life of underlying assets Bond payments are included in the budget Acts like depreciation

8 Pension Situation Local units have made all of their ARCs for years
Our portion of the pension is well funded liquid and available to meet the needs of retirees State of New Jersey continues to look for ways to have the Counties, Municipalities, Schools, Authorities, etc., bail them out of the situation that they have created

9 You Called it What? Deferred Charges to Future Taxation
Deficit in Operations Emergencies Over-expenditure of an Appropriation Accounts receivable for future budgets to fund through taxes Consider making a negative adjustment to Fund Balance

10 You Called it What? Reserves Spending Reserves (Cash Liabilities)
Tax Appeals Accumulated Absences Non Spending Reserves Reserve for Receivables

11 You Called it What? Accounts Receivable: Taxes Receivable
Fully Reserved State of New Jersey Not Reserved Interfunds: Requirement to negatively impact Fund Balance by establishing a Reserve

12 It’s Not Straight Forward
OCBOA to GAAP It’s Not Straight Forward

13 Decoding New Jersey Municipal Accounting1
Understating Fund Balance (Surplus) Under reporting assets Over reporting liabilities 4 Step Method: Receivables Appropriation Reserves Deferred Charges Other Reserves 1Moody's Investors Service, Sector In-Depth, March 25, 2015, Decoding New Jersey Municipal Accounting

14 OCBOA to GAAP Making the Move 2 Counties & 2 Towns

15 Haddonfield Fund Balance (Original) 6,170,144 Reserve for Receivables
1,042,144 Appropriation Reserves (31%) 379,214 Other Reserves 7,930,160 Fund Balance (Revised) 15,521,662 2018 Budget 18,289,411 Fund Balance as % of Budget 85% Note: The Proceeds from the Sale of the Utility are statutorily required to be used for payment of Debt Service. Removing this from the Revised Fund Balance would then reduce the % to 45%

16 Haddonfield Deferred School Taxes Reserve for Sale of Utility
Should be reflected as a Restricted Fund Balance

17 Morris County Fund Balance (Original) 52,736,663
Reserve for Receivables 2,877,716 Appropriation Reserves (31%) 12,130,239 Other Reserves 7,000,000 Fund Balance (Revised) 74,744,618 2018 Budget 305,823,695 Fund Balance as % of Budget 24% Note: The County maintains reserves in various other Funds totaling $24 million. (General Capital Fund Balance, Motor Vehicle Fines, Accumulated Absence Trust, Snow Reserve). Adding these would move the % to over 32%

18 Morris County Statement of Operations
Fund Balance (Original) 52,736,663 Misc Revenues Anticipated (Rev Accts Rec’l, Rev Fund) 694,712 Receipts from Current Taxes 583,004 Interfunds Returned 1,600,000 Budget Appropriations 19,130,239 Fund Balance (Revised) 74,744,618

19 Morris County Solar Municipal Court Complex

20 Mercer County Fund Balance (Original) 26,134,472
Reserve for Receivables 6,655,398 Appropriation Reserves (31%) 10,321,323 Other Reserves 953,306 Fund Balance (Revised) 44,064,499 2018 Budget 328,924,222 Fund Balance as % of Budget 13% Note: If you remove the grants from the budget total, then the % becomes 14%.

21 Mercer County Open Space Reserves

22 Wharton Fund Balance (Original) 2,375,471 Reserve for Receivables
262,800 Appropriation Reserves (31%) 815,583 Other Reserves 2,491,304 Fund Balance (Revised) 5,945,157 2018 Budget 9,635,674 Fund Balance as % of Budget 62% Note: The Borough maintains reserves in various other Funds totaling $771k. Capital Fund Balance, Accumulated Absence Trust, Snow Reserve, etc. Adding these would move the % to almost 70%. This does not take into consideration the Utility Fund Balances.

23 Wharton Utilized $2,127,294 of Cash Fund Balance in the 2018 Budget
The Fully Funded Capital Program makes up 19% of the Total Budget

24 Statement of Operations
Audit Schedule A-1 AFS Sheet 19 Historical approach to predicting the future regeneration of Fund Balance

25 Questions ?

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