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3 & 5 November 2014 Before the bell rings, remove all items from your desk—phone, bags, hats, etc.—paper and a writing utensil.

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Presentation on theme: "3 & 5 November 2014 Before the bell rings, remove all items from your desk—phone, bags, hats, etc.—paper and a writing utensil."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 & 5 November 2014 Before the bell rings, remove all items from your desk—phone, bags, hats, etc.—paper and a writing utensil.

2 Homework: Complete “The Raven” Questions
P1 & P4 Agenda: 1. Complete notes on Edgar Allan Poe 2. QUIETLY Using the American Literature textbook, define: poetry and literary terms  Read and annotate “The Raven”—finish questions for HW Homework: Complete “The Raven” Questions

3 QUIETLY, using the American Literature textbook (R12-R21), define the following Poetry & Literary Terms Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance, Rhyme (Exact), Slant Rhyme, External Rhyme (Rhyme Scheme), Internal Rhyme, Rhythm, Stanza, Couplet, Quatrain Allusion, Hyperbole, Irony, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Imagery, Metaphor, Simile, Symbol When you have finished, turn to p.307 and copy the definition and qualities of gothic literature.

4 Classroom Assistants: Don’t forget your jobs 
6 & 7 November 2014 Before the bell rings, remove all items from your desk—phone, bags, hats, etc.—paper and a writing utensil. Classroom Assistants: Don’t forget your jobs 

5 P1 & P4 Agenda: 1. Counselor visit 2
P1 & P4 Agenda: 1. Counselor visit 2. QUIETLY complete “The Raven” vocabulary— the vocabulary list, instructions, and an example are on the following three slides. Homework: Complete “The Raven” Vocabulary; submit annotations and vocabulary cards Monday.

6 “The Raven” Vocabulary
1. quaint 11. crest 2. wrought 12. ungainly 3. surcease 13. placid 4. entreating 14. aptly 5. implore 15. meloncholy 6. token 16. ominous 7. lattice 17. desolate 8. obeisance 18. undaunted 9. beguiling 19. ebony 10. countenance 20. raven

7 “The Raven” Vocabulary Notecard Instructions
On the lined side of the card: Locate the vocabulary word in the poem and write the sentence. Mark the context clues (words/phrases that help you understand the word’s meaning) in each sentence. Underline any prefix/suffix (use the handouts) to help you further determine the meaning. Using, locate and write the part of speech and the correct definition (based on the word’s usage in the sentence), Then write your own sentence using a different context (situation), but the same usage of the word. On the plain/front side of a notecard: Write the word (dividing it by syllables). Select a color which you associate (positive, neutral, or negative connotation) with the denotation (dictionary definition) of the word; employ that color on the front of the card (in writing the word, in decorating the card, or in whatever way you wish)—be creative. Draw or locate and paste a picture which helps you remember the meaning of the word on the front of the card.

8 Pov • er • ty Example Text Sentence: “Edgar Allan Poe’s mother and father were poor, struggling actors in the early 1800s, and due to their poverty, their oldest son, Edgar’s brother, lived with his grandparents in Baltimore.” Poverty: (noun) the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor. My sentence: Many homeless men and women have a mental illness and would rather live on the streets in poverty than in a mental health facility or halfway house.

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