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Legal Issues for Hubs Music Mark Conference 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Issues for Hubs Music Mark Conference 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Issues for Hubs Music Mark Conference 2018
Introductions Aim of

2 What will we cover? Employment-related issues
Contracts and partnership agreements Spinning out Gift aid Business rates Covering some of the key themes we advise music services and issues which attendees have highlighted.

3 Employment Status (1) Employee Worker ‘Consultant’
Self-employed (running own independent business) Why status matters Status is determined by the reality of the working relationship Note HMRC recognises only two categories for personal tax purposes

4 Employment Status (2) s.230 Employment Rights Act 1996
s.230(1): Employee – an individual who has entered into or works under … a contract of employment s.230(3): Worker – an individual who has entered into or works under a contract of employment any other contract…whereby the individual undertakes to do or perform personally any work or services for another party to the contract whose status is not by virtue of the contract that of a client or customer of any profession or business undertaking carried on by the individual Note: s.83(2) Equality Act 2010: “employment means employment under a contract of employment … or a contract personally to do work”) Also note ‘consultant’ is not a legally defined term

5 Employment Status (3) Employee – employment contract, personal service, no substitution, mutuality of obligation, high degree of control, other terms not inconsistent with employment Worker – contract, personal service, substitution allowed? (mutuality?) Self-employed and running own independent business – ?? - contract desirable

6 Employment Status (4) Employee – written contract, unfair dismissal, SSP, paid holiday, minimum wage, protection against discrimination, ‘family friendly’ rights, minimum notice, redundancy payment Worker - paid holiday, minimum wage, protection against discrimination (not: written contract, unfair dismissal, SSP or family rights, minimum notice, redundancy payment) Self-employed (own business) – possibly protection against discrimination   Employee Worker Self-employed Written contract Unfair Dismissal Minimum wage Paid annual leave Discrimination protection ?? ‘Family Friendly’ Minimum notice SSP Redundancy Pay

7 Content of contracts Employees – ss.1 and 3 Employment Rights Act 1996 – minimum information Otherwise, what makes the relationship work the way you want/need it to? See also subsequent slides

8 Some potential tax issues
Specialist area IR35 Personal service companies Employment intermediaries

9 Intellectual Property Issues
Specialist area Many types of IPR Employees – rebuttable presumption in favour of employer ownership of IPR created Otherwise rebuttable presumption in favour of individual Specify intention in written contract

10 Changing Terms and Conditions of Employment
What is the ‘sole or principal reason’ for making the change? If unrelated to a TUPE transfer ‘normal’ principles apply – consultation, consent, consider dismissal/re-engagement If there has been (or will be) a TUPE transfer: If because of a TUPE transfer and not an ‘ETO reason entailing a change in the workforce’ – Change void If because of a TUPE transfer, but for an ‘ETO reason entailing a change in the workforce and the employee consents – Change valid Different ‘rules’ apply to terms incorporated from a collective agreement – valid if 1 year/not less favourable

11 Holiday Pay Highly complex area
Do not conflate the right to take leave with the amount to be paid when on leave – separate concepts Working Time Regulations 1998 and contractual leave WTR – 4 weeks under Regulation 13 WTR – 1.6 weeks under Regulation 13A Purely contractual if over and above WTR requirements Different rules apply depending on the type of leave

12 Contracts and Partnership Agreements
Collaboration agreement Partnership agreement Hub Partner Partner Hub/ Service Membership of charity Sponsorship Branding/ materials Directorship Governance? Shared aims? Payments/ support

13 Transfer of assets (and liabilities)
Acting for Council Acting for new entity Transfer of assets (and liabilities) Enter into on-going funding relationship? Preparatory advice Finalise legal entity Now Due Diligence Local authority New entity Local authority Music service Transfer Agreement 3 Funding Agreement

14 The spinning out journey
Legal Structures Governance Feasibility Study Business and Financial Planning Procurement Tax State Aid Property advice Due Diligence Pensions Establishing Legal Entity Employment advice Preparation of transfer documentation 5 TUPE Consultation Transfer Negotiating Documentation Post Transfer Support

15 Spinning out: Asset transfer
In return for Council transferring the assets and liabilities associated with the music service to Newco…. ….Newco gives the Council an indemnity to meet any liabilities which are related to the transferring assets, after the transfer date. 24

16 Gift Aid and Membership
“Can I claim Gift Aid on membership fees for ensembles and orchestras?”

17 Is the property “wholly or mainly” used for charitable purposes?
Business Rates Relief Is the property “wholly or mainly” used for charitable purposes?

18 CONTACT Erica Crump 020 7551 7757
Augustus Della-Porta Louise McCartney These slides are for general information purposes only. They are not intended and should not be used as a substitute for specific legal advice. Specific legal advice should be taken before acting on any of the topics covered.

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