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School Improvement Planning that increases CCRPI Scores!

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Presentation on theme: "School Improvement Planning that increases CCRPI Scores!"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Improvement Planning that increases CCRPI Scores!
Dr. Antonette “Toni” Campbell Principal, Indian Creek Elementary School Paula Herrema Lead School Effectiveness Specialist, Georgia Department of Education 1/12/2019

2 School Improvement Process
Conduct Needs Assessment Create School Improvement Plan Execute Plan Determine Progress 1/12/2019

3 Assess Conduct Needs Assessment Collect and analyze relevant data
Prioritize needs Determine root causes 1/12/2019

4 Plan Create a School Improvement Plan Establish SMART goals
Identify actions, strategies, and interventions Determine artifacts and evidence Establish a system for implementation 1/12/2019

5 Implement Execute Plan Communicate expectations
Follow incremental steps Provide needed supports Identify professional learning to support implementation 1/12/2019

6 Monitor Determine Progress Determine what is working
Identify needed adjustments Revise incremental steps Evaluate impact on student learning 1/12/2019

7 Demographics of Indian Creek Elementary School
1075 students, Pre-K- 5​ 80% English Learners-Mostly refugees​ 30% Burmese, 20% Nepali, 2% Hispanic​ Some students lack formal education​ 100% free and reduced lunch​ 46 or more countries represented​ Multiple languages and dialects​ 1/12/2019

8 Indian Creek Elementary School
2012 2013 CCRPI Score 48.1 46.7 Achievement 28.6 26.5 Progress 15 14.2 GAP 4 5 1/12/2019

9 Indian Creek Elementary School

10 2013-2014 Instructional Blueprint

11 With time, commitment, and team work to become a Title l Reward School
VISION With time, commitment, and team work to become a Title l Reward School 1/12/2019

12 MISSION To be a happy place where students are inspired to excel and become lifelong learners.

13 We are striving for excellence!
The students deserve our very best every day!

14 Digging deep into the DATA Creating clear instructional expectations
Goals for Digging deep into the DATA Creating clear instructional expectations Establishing a new culture 1/12/2019

15 Digging deep into the Data
Mathematics Numbers and Operations Measurement Reading Phonics/Vocabulary Text Complexity Monitoring Data Regular checks with common assessments Making strategic decisions of teacher’s placements 1/12/2019

16 Responses to Data Morning phonics Increased learning time
After-school tutorial Flexible Learning Program Re-teach 1/12/2019

17 Creating Clear Instructional Expectations
Bell to Bell instruction Collaborative Planning Focus Walks Data Talks 1/12/2019

18 Establishing a New Culture
Vision for ALL students meeting the standards Develop teachers, eliminate excuses and provide choices No more, “bless their hearts”, creating a new belief system 1/12/2019

19 What you FOCUS on will IMPROVE!

20 Indian Creek Elementary School
2012 2013 2014 CCRPI Score 48.1 46.7 70.2 Achievement 28.6 26.5 35 Progress 15 14.2 20.2 GAP 4 5 1/12/2019

21 Indian Creek Elementary School

22 Progress Points Indian Creek



25 Continuous Improvement Process

26 Assess Digging into multiple data sources
Develop the comprehensive needs assessment Analysis of root causes Making strategic data decisions of teacher’s placement 1/12/2019

27 Plan Prioritized focus on instruction Designed professional learning
Developed interventions Focused instructional strategies 1/12/2019

28 Implement Bell to bell instruction Collaborative planning, PLC’s
Focus walks and Data Talks Common assessments Professional learning and study groups Research based instructional practices 1/12/2019

29 Monitor Instruction Formative and summative assessments Use of data
Teacher practices Student engagement and learning Collaborative planning 1/12/2019


31 Keep It UP Standards posted Lesson plans current
Rooms arranged to support cooperative learning Working behavior management systems Anchor charts were posted and referred to Rubrics aligned to student activities Learning stations with technology integration Technology used to reinforce the standards Evidence of established rituals and routines Use of data to guide instruction Grade level consistency and collaboration Students actively engaged and participating Positive learning environment Print rich environment Instructional boards with commentary

32 Things to BUILD Upon Functional word walls with visuals
Planning collaboratively to go deeper with instruction Follow district pacing and standards, not textbook Make sure current standards are posted Integration of higher order thinking questions to develop rigorous lessons(DOK) Instructional bulletin boards with rubrics and teacher commentary Student reflection and goal setting Development of teacher leaders and model classrooms Formative assessments to monitor learning

33 Is this BEST for kids? Students not engaged in work during instructional time Instruction is not related to the standards Using content rich vocabulary during instruction Students reading comic books during instruction Questions mainly geared toward management rather than instruction Work within centers is specific to current standards Working in whole group vs small group Posting essential questions and referencing it throughout the lesson Evidence of integration of DOK questions

34 Implementation of the Key School Performance Standards
Collaborative Planning (C1) Lessons aligned to the intent/rigor of standards (C3) Balanced system of Assessment (A2) Common Assessments (A3) Research-based instructional strategies (I4) Empower students to monitor own learning (I8) Timely, systemic, data driven interventions (I-9) Evaluated impact of PL on staff and student learning (PL6) Data-driven Leadership Team (L6) Common vision/mission (PO1) Data-driven, consensus-oriented process to develop and implement SIP (PO2) Monitor the SIP (PO3)

35 School Improvement Process
Conduct Needs Assessment Create School Improvement Plan Execute Plan Determine Progress 1/12/2019

36 Dr. Antonette “Toni” Campbell
Principal, Indian Creek Elementary School Paula Herrema Lead School Effectiveness Specialist, Georgia Department of Education 1/12/2019

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