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Session 1: Harmonisation Strategy and Planning Panel Discussion: Best Cases, Strategies & Techniques for successful spectrum planning & harmonisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 1: Harmonisation Strategy and Planning Panel Discussion: Best Cases, Strategies & Techniques for successful spectrum planning & harmonisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 1: Harmonisation Strategy and Planning Panel Discussion: Best Cases, Strategies & Techniques for successful spectrum planning & harmonisation Bashir Patel Global Spectrum and Regulatory Policy, ESOA

2 Planning for Global Harmonisation
Worldwide participation at ITU WRCs drive consensus-based decisions that all nations can rely on: WRC15 decisions were made with the participation of up to 193 Member States Large & small nations; developed & emerging economies - are all placed on an equal footing in taking these decisions The best chances of achieving globally harmonised spectrum is by studying bands identified This Avoids fragmentation Provides access to shared spectrum where appropriate; recognizes need for exclusive spectrum access to Paves the way for economies of scale WRC decisions balance the needs of different COUNTRIES and different TECHNOLOGIES ensuring that one does not harm the other Explain fairness of ITU WRC processes for spectrum decisions – fair to all countries, fair to all technologies

3 Total Spectrum Identified for IMT
Additional 36 GHz identified WRC-19 Explain that satellites can continue to provide these services thanks to globally harmonized spectrum decided on by the ITU Explain growth in different bands

4 Reality Today: Mobile Spectrum: Africa (Source: LS Telcom)
Not all licensed spectrum is used Plenty of room for growth ITU Forecast of Spectrum Requirements in 2015 Regionally harmonised & available for licensing Spectrum potentially available for licensing Actually licensed LS Telcom did a study in 2015 that showed that MNOs do not use all spectrum available to them and regulators in multiple countries have not yet licensed available spectrum for mobile terrestrial

5 Technology Evolution & Spectrum Harmonization - 1
Explain that satellites can continue to provide these services thanks to globally harmonized spectrum decided on by the ITU Explain growth in different bands

6 Technology Evolution & Spectrum Harmonization - 2
Spectrum Planning / Harmonization Technology & Service Neutral – 2G/3G to 4G, BWA to MBB Maximum use of existing bands Carrier Aggregation, Re-farming, Spectrum Cloudification Flexibility in 2G/3G/4G, Building 5G competence through LTE Explain that satellites can continue to provide these services thanks to globally harmonized spectrum decided on by the ITU Explain growth in different bands

7 Spectrum Planning & Harmonization
through a Mix of Technologies to deliver Connectivity for ALL Wi-Fi Eco-System is Evolving: Gigabit WiFi chips + devices becoming available: 200m radios shipped in 2017, 2020: >1bn “WiGig” Satellite Eco-System is Evolving: HTS, VHTS, GSOs + NGSOs using L,S,C,Ku,Ka bands & in future Q,V bands as well Mobile Eco-System is Evolving: Germany, Italy, Australia: carrier aggregation delivering up to 900 Mbps Field Tests in UK & US: >20 Gbps delivered in 70GHz bands  On commercially viable basis   No interference with other services   Fully utilise Existing Spectrum for current and new services 

8 AND OR AND OR Mindsets must change
“Big Challenges Require Many Solutions” “Let us plan and harmonize Commonwealth Spectrum together ” First we need to change mindsets. Many policymakers still believe that one technology alone will deliver the promise of 5G. But as we can see from the LTE map, mobile technology alone cannot deliver on expectations of Coverage, Bandwidth, or Reliability. So mindsets need to change to include all technologies. 5G is a Big Challenge and requires a combination of Solutions - satellite is key.

9 Thank You!

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