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Offices of of Enrollment Services

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Presentation on theme: "Offices of of Enrollment Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Empower Your Student: Valuable Tips on Financial Aid, Your Bill, and Academic Success
Offices of of Enrollment Services Office of Student Financial Assistance

2 Part I My financial aid has been awarded, now what?

3 NEXT STEPS Accept your aid in Cardinal Station Includes:
Completing your Entrance Counseling/Master Promissory Note for any loans you accept. Federal Work-Study Campus Employment Fair – August 29th Does not pay to your student bill, you’ll receive a check for hours worked Possible work-study opportunities in the future Parent PLUS Loan Requires a CUA Form from completed at in addition to MPN at

4 MPN & Entrance Counseling

5 MPN & Entrance Counseling

6 FERPA Non-directory information can not be released to anyone without student’s written consent. Includes, but not limited, to: Grades Class Schedule Student Account Information Students can grant access by: Completing Education Records Release form Granting Authorized Payer access (for account info)

7 Authorized Payer Access
Preferred method of students granting access to account information Faster to verify Ensures notification of monthly statements Allows online access to student account via CardinalPAY Students grant Authorized Payer access via their CardinalPAY site (accessed through Cardinal Station) Instructions: Students set log-in name and temporary password Authorized Payer access should be granted to EACH PERSON the student wants to have access to their account

8 CUA Billing - General CUA issues statements once per month (mid month)
All statements are electronic and available only in CardinalPAY notification of new statements sent to student and Authorized Payers Once issued, statements will not change Account activity after a statement is issued will appear on the subsequent statement

9 Payment Options Payment for balances not covered by financial aid or payment plan is due in full at start of each term Accepted payment options (full information at Information/PaymentOptions.cfm): In person: Check/Money Order, Cash Mail: Check/Money Order Online: E-Check, Credit/Debit Card via CardinalPAY Wire: is an option for International wires Balances not paid by due date are subject to registration/transcript/diploma holds, late fees and interest

10 Payment Options Parent PLUS Loans
If the PLUS Loan is denied the student may request an additional unsubsidized loan. Endorser and Appeals Private Loans

11 Monthly Payment Plan CUA offers monthly payment option via Tuition Management Systems ( 3, 4, and 5 month plans allow cost to be spread throughout year If total TMS budget is sufficient to cover CUA balance then account will be exempt from holds/late fees Payments due to TMS on 1st of each month CUA statements auto-deduct remaining TMS payments from any balance on the account, regardless of whether payments have yet been made to TMS

12 Tuition Insurance The Tuition Refund Plan (TRP) is a private insurance program that supplements the refund policy of CUA.  Those enrolled in the plan are assured a refund even though the University's own refund policy may have expired at the time of withdrawal. A full 100 percent TRP refund applies only to medical withdrawals.  Sixty percent of the costs are insured for withdrawals for mental health reasons. 

13 Tuition Insurance

14 Tuition Insurance Costs covered by the Tuition Refund Plan include tuition, room, board and mandatory fees for the spring and fall terms. (Medical insurance premiums and laboratory fees for courses are not included.)  Participation in the Tuition Refund Plan is optional and the University's refund policy is applicable whether or not you enroll in the plan. However, if you do not participate in the Tuition Refund Plan, any refund is limited to the amounts allowed by the University's policy. Should you decide to participate in the Tuition Refund Plan, you must apply and make payment for the plan before the first day of classes. Applications will not be accepted after the first day of classes.  Information is available at 

15 Part II CardinalPAY

16 CardinalPAY: General CardinalPAY is the website for: Logging in:
Viewing monthly statements Making online payments Logging in: Authorized Payers – via Students – via hyperlink in Cardinal Station

17 CardinalPAY: Statements
Statement Header/Summary: Amount Due This Invoice: Ending Balance (actual balance as of statement date) minus Pending Financial Aid and Budgeted Payment Plan This is what remains owed to CUA

18 Looking to the Future

19 Summer Financial Aid Aid for summer attendance is limited to loans from the Federal Direct Loan Program or private/commercial loans. Eligibility requires summer aid application from our website and enrolled in 6 credits. Ineligible if Aggregate Limits reached.

20 Maintaining Eligibility
Plan ahead! Communicate! Complete!

21 Maintaining Eligibility
Institutional merit aid is a four-year commitment if the student maintains eligibility. Must maintain full-time enrollment, at least 12 credit hours. 6 credits for federal aid Need-based aid reassessed annually. Federal Need Based-Aid CUA Need Grant: May decrease. Will not increase. Appeals are possible in certain circumstances. Satisfactory Academic Progress Required to maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA and complete 67% of coursework attempted. Center for Academic Success provides tutors and other great resources. Speak to us before you drop any classes.

22 Maintaining Eligibility
Complete FAFSA each year Available beginning October 1st Continuing student aid packaged in June after Spring grades posted 2017 income on FAFSA Verification Additional required documents, Missing Info Letters CSS PROFILE not needed after first year.

23 Important Dates Friday, August 24th  (today) – Due date to submit payment Friday, September 7th – Add/Drop deadline with 100% refund Tuesday. September 11th – Late fees will be added to accounts Friday September 17th – Interest will accrue on accounts Sunday, October 1st – FAFSA becomes available Monday November 5th – Early registration for Spring classes Tuesday, December 11th – Final exams begin Saturday December 15th – Last day of final exams Academic Calendar can be found here: Records/AcademicCalendar.cfm

24 Office of Student Financial Assistance
Web: In Person: Father O'Connell Hall, Suite 300M Phone: Mail: 620 Michigan Ave, NE Washington, DC 20064

25 Office of Enrollment Services
Phone: Web: Mail: 620 Michigan Ave, NE Washington, DC 20064 In Person: Father O'Connell Hall, Suite W200


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