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Further information and resources

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1 Further information and resources
for self-learners / training session delegates October 2018

2 Further reading, research and initiatives
Crucial decisions at the beginning of life (McHaffie, 2001). The death of a baby before, during or after birth: Good practice points from parents. Seminars in fetal and neonatal medicine. Vol 13 (Henley and Schott,2008. Pp: ) APPG Baby Loss: Each Baby Counts – RCOG: SANDS: (look up ‘research’) Perinatal Mortality Review:

3 Further web pages MBRRACE 2015 Perinatal Confidential Enquiry: Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle – NHS England: Gathering feedback from families following the death of their baby – NHS England:

4 Further information: training programmes
days-and-events Maternity Transformation Programme: Workstream 2: promoting good practice for safer care Need to consider inclusion in Commissioning Framework

5 Further reading: a parent’s story from TAMBA (1/2)
National Bereavement Care Pathway, training pack for wave 1 pilot sites, v1, November 2017

6 Further reading: a parent’s story from TAMBA (2/2)
National Bereavement Care Pathway, training pack for wave 1 pilot sites, v1, November 2017

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