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Succession By: Bailey Washington, Brandon Childers, Averie Webster, and Jack Benjes.

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Presentation on theme: "Succession By: Bailey Washington, Brandon Childers, Averie Webster, and Jack Benjes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Succession By: Bailey Washington, Brandon Childers, Averie Webster, and Jack Benjes

2 Definition of Succession:
Succession: the gradual change in an ecosystem in which one biological community is replaced by another

3 Primary and Secondary Succession:
Primary Succession: An establishment of a new biological community Secondary Succession: Takes place after a major disturbance to the biological community in a stable ecosystem Example of primary succession: Volcanic lava flows. It creates islands for new life (Hawaii). Example of secondary succession: A forest renews after logging. Many trees are cut down, but over time they grow back and return to their previous state.

4 Pioneer Species: Definition: The first living things to move into a barren environment Examples: freshwater, saltwater , green algae, Marram grass, Cordgrass, and Sea Couch grass

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