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North Bullitt Drill Team

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1 North Bullitt Drill Team 2018-2019

2 Team Captain: Chase Wardrip

3 Expectations Compete at a high level
Work hard and maximize time during practice. Work collectively as a TEAM and support each member of the team. Leave all EGOs at the door. Not everyone will command an element Represent the school, the JROTC program and the community with pride and honor/Be professionals at all times! Academics must remain a priority. Students will be placed on academic suspension if they are failing two classes. Grades will be pulled every Friday for academic eligibility.

4 Attendance Policy 4 Absences equates to suspension for the next two drill meets The next 2 absences will result in termination from the team If you are not at practice, it is difficult to roster you for events and not fair to the cadets who attend regularly. Emergency situations: Hospitalizations/Family Emergencies/Family Vacations, illness, etc... parents can 1SG Siler Practice begins at 5:30 AM, be seated by 5:30, not walking in the door. If a student isn’t in the gym by 5:45, they are considered absent.

5 Academic Policy Cannot be failing two classes, or the student will be placed on academic suspension until grades improve. Grades will be pulled on Friday of each week. Students cannot attend practice until grades improve.

6 Practice schedule Schedule will be posted on the North Bullitt JROTC web page. NBHS/Campus Life/JROTC/Drill Team We will not practice during Christmas Break or Spring Break. Practice will go from 5:30 AM to 6:50 AM If you are unable to make it to practice, please let 1SG Siler or the the team captain know. Drill team/practice schedule link: guard-team.html

7 Exhibition Practices:
Exhibition practice will be on Tuesdays after school from 2:30-3:30 (once Raider season is over)and all Exhibition practices are voluntary. Exhibition weapons can be signed out. Weapons cannot be taken home on a bus and students must pick the weapon up at the end of the school day. All weapons will be signed out from the S2 or 1SG Siler only.

8 Spirit Pack Spirit pack is mandatory. We will travel to the meets in either the hoodie or sweatshirt Orders can be taken in the classroom. Prices: $26 (Hoodie/Sweatshirt), $18 Long sleeve Tshirt, $15 t-shirt

9 Garment and Gym bags Garment bags will be sold for $20
Gym bags will be sold for $20 We will begin taking orders on 15 Oct. Garment bag will be mandatory.

10 Fundraiser We will do a fundraiser (Century Resources) that will begin in early November and run until Christmas Break. Fundraising provides funds for buses, and allows us to purchase new rifles and drill equipment.

11 Official Notification/Emergency Situations:
If weather causes us to cancel practice or a drill meet a one call message will be sent out. The message will be sent out prior to 9 PM. The official message will also be posted on the JROTC official’s Facebook page as Bcps-Nbhs-JROTC

12 Drill Meets 20 Oct: Drill meet (Pulaski County High School), Somerset, KY 8 Dec: Drill meet (Alvin C. York High School, Jamestown, TN) 15 Dec: Male High School Drill Meet (Louisville, KY) 26 Jan: Home drill meet (North Bullitt High School, Shepherdsville, KY) 2 Feb: Muhlenberg County Drill Meet (Greenville, KY) TBD: Drill Meet (Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN) 23 Feb: Drill meet (University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY) 9/10 Mar: Drill meet (Brigade Championship, North Hardin High School, Radcliff, KY) 16 Mar: Drill meet (Trotwood Madison High School, Trotwood, OH) 28 Mar: Drill Team Banquet (Library: 6-8 PM)

13 Why do we compete? To be a part of a team and support each other:
Win and lose with grace and class (The importance of Sportsmanship)

14 2. To drill with execution and precision:
Why do we compete? 2. To drill with execution and precision:

15 3. To compete at high levels
Why do we compete? 3. To compete at high levels

16 Why do we compete? 4. To Win and to Have Fun!


18 Questions:

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