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Day 5 – The End.

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1 Day 5 – The End

2 “You are who other people think you are”
Sociologist Charles Cooley Self: our self-awareness and sense of who we are, which first emerges out of our interactions with others. The looking-glass self: The understanding of the self as a product of our perceptions of how other people view us.

3 The looking-glass self

4 Social Structure Status and Role

5 Social Structure Social Structure
Network of statuses and roles that guide human interaction Understands society as a system of interrelated parts

6 Status and Role Status Role
Socially defined position in a group or in a society Each status has attached to it one or more roles Role The behavior (rights, obligations) expected of someone occupying a particular status

7 My Statuses Male Hispanic Teacher Son Brother Friend Licensed Driver
Coach 27-Year-Old What are the behaviors expected of me in each status?

8 Ascribed vs. Achieved Status
Ascribed Status: A social status that one cannot voluntarily change Sex Age Teenager Achieved Status: A social status gained through voluntary action or achievement, or the lack thereof Husband College drop out Army officer

9 Master Status Master Status What’s your master status?
Most important status you are known for Plays the greatest role in shaping a person’s life Can be either achieved or ascribed It changes over time What’s your master status?

10 Status

11 Roles The obligations, rights, and expected behaviors attached to a specific social status Role Set: Different roles attached to a single status What are the most important roles of your master status?

12 Roles Roles “You occupy a status, but you play a role”
Roles are usually reciprocal We cannot fulfill most roles without the role that goes along with it. Teachers need students Doctor needs patients

13 Role Expectations Behaviors that are expected of a person performing a particular role How do you expect a doctor to treat you?

14 Role Performance People’s actual behavior
Does not always match what is expected by society Police officers breaking the law Even when trying to fulfill the role, you might fall short

15 Role Conflict Occurs when fulfilling the role expectations of one status makes it difficult to fulfill the role expectations of another status Ex. A good employee needs to go to work. However, to be a good parent you must spend time with your kids. Role Conflict creates role strain, which is when a person has difficulty fulfilling a role


17 Role Conflict

18 Role Exit Process by which a person exits the role that used to be central to their identity Divorced People Former nuns and priests

19 Roles - Video

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