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God’s Wisdom, Sovereignty, and a Stay of Execution Daniel 2

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1 God’s Wisdom, Sovereignty, and a Stay of Execution Daniel 2

2 Biblical World History
Babylonian Empire (605–539 BC) Medo-Persian Empire (539–332 BC) Greek Empire (332–164 BC) Jewish Temporary Independence (164–63 BC) Roman Empire (63 BC–AD 476)

3 Daniel 2 Discussion Questions
Why do you think the king insisted on having the dream as well as the interpretation told to him (v. 6)? Who were the Chaldeans or “wise men” (vv. 2–13)? What does this chapter tell us about the characteristics and actions of Daniel and how should they apply to us? What does this chapter tell us about God compared to other “gods”?

4 Scene 1: The King’s Dream and Fury (Dan 2:1–13)
604/603 BC: The second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign “Wise Men”: those learned in various occultic arts including divination, astrology, enchantments, sorcery, magic, and exorcism. These practices were condemned in the OT (Ex 22:18; Deut 18:10–11). Perhaps the origin of the “wise men” or magi in Matthew 2.

5 Scene 1: The King’s Dream and Fury (Dan 2:1–13)
Dreams considered important revelation/insight for the future in Babylonian religion as well as in Israelite history (Gen 28:10–22; 1 Kgs 3:5) The intersection of Babylonian religion and Hebrew faith: God chose to reveal here. “Wise men” had access to dream manuals with common themes, codes to interpret.

6 Scene 1: The King’s Dream and Fury (Dan 2:1–13)
The king’s demand: know the dream and interpretation: This prevented a false interpretation. Response of “wise men” accused king of unfairness Response of “wise men” was self-indicting since only the gods knew the dream but they were supposed to be in touch with them as “wise men.” The death sentence would have also fallen on Daniel and his friends since they were finishing training in the king’s court to be among the “wise men.”

7 Scene 2: Daniel’s Intervention (Dan 2:14–30)
Daniel is described as having “discretion” and “discernment” (“tact” and “wisdom”) but also demonstrates boldness and compassion. Note Daniel’s request for prayer support from his friends (v. 18). Daniel praises God for revealing the dream: God is a revealer of dreams (Gen 40:8; 41:16) Daniel gives God the full credit for the revelation Note the contrast between the silence of the Babylonian gods and the revelation from God.

8 Scene 3: The Dream and Interpretation (Dan 2:31–45)

9 Scene 3: The Dream and Interpretation (Dan 2:31–45)
The rock = kingdom of God “not by human hands” (Isa 2:2–4; Mic 4:1–2) Will crush all other kingdoms (Ps 118:22, 23; Isa 28:16; 41:15–16; Rom 9:33; 1 Pet 2:6) “Whoever falls on that stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder” (Luke 20:18) Contrast temporal nature of earthly kingdoms with eternal Kingdom of God

10 Scene 4: Daniel is Honored (Dan 2:46–49)
The king’s “worship” of Daniel was aimed at Daniel as representing his God Does not mean that the king converted but just added Daniel’s God to his polytheistic list. Daniel and his friends’ promotion sets up the scene for confrontation with the jealous “wise men” in future chapters. Daniel was probably aware that God revealed dreams to Joseph in the same way and resulted in his honoring by Pharaoh (Genesis 40–41).

11 “…But there is a God in heaven”
“God of heaven” is used four times in this chapter (vv. 18, 19, 37, 44) to speak of God’s transcendence and supremacy over earthly events. Daniel’s praise of God in vv. 20–23 indicate God’s wisdom and power, sovereignty, omniscience, and His willingness to reveal truth to His people. Daniel describes God as the “Revealer of mysteries” in contrast to the silence of the “wise men” (vv. 22, 28–29, 47b). Daniel indicates that although Nebuchadnezzar is “king of kings,” it is God who has given him his power (v. 37). Nebuchadnezzar admits that He is the “God of gods and “Lord of kings” (v. 47).

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