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Presentation on theme: "E-SENIORS - LIFE BEGINS AT 50 -"— Presentation transcript:

1 E-SENIORS - LIFE BEGINS AT 50 - It’s easy to teach if you know how Kickoff meeting 19th – 20st of October 2016 Jelenia Gora – Poland

2 E-SENIORS - LIFE BEGINS AT 50 - Seniors, disabled people and New Information & Communication Technologies The objectives of the association are to: Reduce the digital divide between the different generations Overcome seniors’ isolation and social exclusion Facilitate access to training and information This way E-Seniors aims at increasing solidarity in the digital society and at spreading the Internet culture

3 State of the Art With the ageing of the European population, the issues related to seniors, such as active ageing and independence, became essential. New information and communication technologies are an opportunity for seniors to: Stay « connected » Support their independence and an active life style Overcome social isolation E-Seniors provides digital access for seniors and handicapped persons by offering ICT trainings and by participating in local and European projects.

4 Our Target groups and locations
Our activities target: Active seniors Retired seniors Slightly disabled seniors E-Seniors proposes trainings: In groups in Paris and its suburbs In retirement homes In day-care centres In various activity centres At private homes

5 E-Seniors’ activities in 3 areas:
ICT trainings for Parisian seniors Local Projects designed for all ages and encouraging solidarity European Projects sharing good practices in digital innovation throughout the EU Projets européens pour partager les bonnes pratiques numériques innovantes au sein de l’UE

6 LOCAL PROJECTS English conversation workshops
Intergenerational workshops Game tournaments on video games (Kinect) or board games (nature and sustainable development) Our activities take place in various locations: Parisian city halls Youth community centres in Paris “Maison des Associations ” Social centres Day care centres Retirement homes

7 EUROPEAN PROJECTS H2020: ICT4Life (an integrated care ICT system to support Alzheimers’ and Parkinson’s patients and connect them to health stakeholders), EhcoBUTLER EIT Health: Fun Walking for Golden Ageing FP7: ALFRED ICT PSP: SEACW (a platform providing tips and good practices to health proffessionals for seniors care AAL: NACODEAL (a system including an online APP and augmented reality device to support seniors in their everyday life activities), ASSISTANT (an app to support seniors in their daily mobility to take public transports), SONOPA, STIMULATE (a platform for travel booking), TOPIC etc. Erasmus+: educational and intergenerational projects COSME: Forever Young, Se. Tour, Meetnature which are touristical projects in low season

Choosing the appropriate methods of teaching seniors (50+): Perceptive capability of the students, create methodological materials, developing the right workshop topics, Develop effective methods of working with the seniors and offer an interesting form of learning English, Video classes, social networking. 1. Why do seniors want to learn a foreign language? 2. What are the difficulties and obstacles which cause low efficiency of studying at this age? ESENIORS ROLE IN THE PROJECT Prepare 3 lesson scenarios, and test them during end-users workshops. Prepare the material publicizing the project (a leaflet and a poster). Organize 2 project meetings in France.

Thank you for you attention! For further information: E-SENIORS : Monique Epstein – General Manager of E-Seniors

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