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Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE)

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Presentation on theme: "Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE)
Professor Gordana Fontana-Giusti CHASE Academic Lead Welcome Event 24 September 2018 V1.0 To change the footer on every slide: 1. On the menu go to Insert > Header and Footer… 2. Select the Footer checkbox and enter the footer text in the accompanying text box 3. Click “Apply to All”

2 Congratulations, to our 2018 Kent CHASE cohort on your AHRC Awards!
First things first… Congratulations, to our 2018 Kent CHASE cohort on your AHRC Awards!

3 Being a CHASE student ‘The experience of being a CHASE funded scholar is designed to empower you. Starting a PhD marks the shift from directed learning to research, and your PhD will make a significant original contribution to your field. Through your research you will contribute to the health of the arts and humanities and engage in the ongoing debate about the future of the arts and humanities PhD.’

4 CHASE Academic Community
Over 1000 academics in the arts and humanities many of whom are leading practitioners (artists, curators, novelists, poets, musicians and lawyers) You are the 5th cohort of CHASE students There are 62 CHASE doctoral researchers at Kent

5 Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE)
CHASE brings together 9 leading institutions of South East of England engaged in collaborative research activities including an AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership. Universities of East Anglia, Essex, Kent and Sussex, the Open University, the Courtauld Institute of Art and Goldsmiths College, University of London, Birkbeck College, University of London and SOAS, University of London.

6 CHASE Strategic non-HEI Partners
Canterbury Cathedral Intel British University Film and Video Council British Library V&A National Portrait Gallery Tate BFI BBC

7 CHASE Handbook Footer text

8 On Arrival: Institutional induction
CHASE induction - Tuesday 30 October 2018 Within First Month: First supervision - agree upon supervisory relationship and schedule of work. Complete CHASE Training Needs questionnaire and start to plan skills training Autumn Encounters Footer text

9 Student Advisory Group elections held annually
Consider a CHASE placement for year 2 or 3 Join or start a research group/network Footer text

10 Attend a conference and give a paper
Summer Encounters Attend a conference and give a paper   Footer text

11 Teaching: Institutional opportunities to gain teaching experience
Autumn Encounters Footer text

12 Organise a conference or symposium
(see for ways to advertise this to the CHASE cohort and find about  support funding) Footer text

13 Undertake an international research trip
Summer Encounters Undertake an international research trip Footer text

14 Begin writing up process
Autumn Encounters Begin writing up process Footer text

15 30 Months: Begin preparations for the submission process
Begin to think about and apply for post-doctoral research grants and/ or employment Footer text

16 June: Summer Encounters
After 36 Months: Submission followed by Viva examination   Consider submitting an article to a peer-reviewed journal (for example CHASE Brief Encounters)   Viva examinations will usually take place within 6 months of thesis submission Footer text

17 Virtual Research Environment (VRE)
The CHASE team will provide you with a login The VRE can be used for: accessing on-line resources finding out more information about training opportunities managing your professional profile on-line discussion fora accessing CHASE forms and documentation using the Researcher Development Framework Planner (with thanks to the Open University for providing this to CHASE) Access the VRE Welcome Tab to find out more!

18 Encounters Bi-annual Conference for the CHASE community
Students lead on designing the programme Elements include: Talks from academics and practitioners from the arts, cultural and creative industries Plenty of opportunities for networking to find areas of commonality in your areas of research with the purpose of developing research networks across the consortium No two conferences are the same! Attendance at Encounters is compulsory for CHASE-funded students

19 Encounters Conference Autumn 2018
London Barbican Centre – November 2018 Send your proposals noon on Friday 14 September 2018. Footer text

20 Training and Development
CHASE offers high level training and development specific to the arts and humanities Organised under three broad themes: Advanced Research Craft (e.g. subject specialist skills and research methods) Public Humanities (e.g. equipping doctoral researchers for collaboration and influence beyond the university) Future Humanities (e.g. skills training in digital humanities) Training advertised via the CHASE bulletin You enjoy a short priority booking period Travel expenses can be claimed

21 Student Committee Formerly known as ‘SAG’!
CHASE student voice comprising institutional student representatives from across the Consortium Four elected positions: Chair (who ensures SC functions according to the terms of reference) Secretary (who organises SC meetings) Treasurer (who is responsible for SC budget) Web Officer (who is responsible for communication between SC and the Consortium) Minutes of SC (SAG) meetings are available on the VRE Outcomes are communicated via the (SAG) SC bulletin

22 Supervision CHASE offers a range of models for engaging additional support and/or expertise or your project One-off consultations with academics/practitioners Co-supervision between CHASE member institutions Discuss the possibilities with your Supervisory Team Please see the ‘Guide to Additional Supervision’ on the VRE for further details

23 Placements Placement with a CHASE Non-HEI partner (or another organisation) Projects lasting between 1 and 6 months Develop your skills and gain professional experience outside an academic setting Help is on hand to assist with the development of your project ideas… Dr Steven Colburn (CHASE DTP Placements and Partnerships Officer) –

24 Support Funding Financial support for:
Research costs Training and personal development Travel to CHASE events Funding is linked to needs identified by your project proposal or your training needs analysis Discuss your training needs with your supervisor and produce an initial budget. Application form is available on the VRE Submit forms and queries relating to support funding to Stephen McLaughlin

25 CHASE Journal: Brief Encounters
An open-access peer-reviewed postgraduate journal, which showcases the interdisciplinary research of CHASE funded and affiliated scholars, staff, and non-HEI partners. 

26 Key Induction Points CHASE Handbook is available on-line here:
CHASE induction for new students will be held at the Southbank Centre, Level 5 Conference Room, London on Wednesday 30th October 2018, h

27 CHASE Studentship Terms and Conditions
RCUK Conditions of Research Council Training Grants AHRC Training Grant Funding Guide In addition… CHASE Studentships are awarded subject to: Compliance with the Kent regulations Attendance at CHASE Encounters Conferences Use of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework Planner to map your professional development

28 Facilitating CHASE activity at Kent
How can we help?

29 CHASE Team Contacts Clare Hunt, CHASE DTP Coordinator
Dr Steven Colburn, CHASE DTP Placements and Partnerships Officer Rob Witts, CHASE DTP Manager

30 Kent CHASE Contacts Professor Gordana Fontana-Giusti – Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) and Kent CHASE Academic Lead Rosalind Beeching, Acting Head of Graduate School Administration and Kent CHASE Administrative Lead Dr Julie Anderson, Kent CHASE Training and Development Board Member Stephen McLaughlin, Postgraduate Funding Officer, Scholarships Office

31 This presentation was produced in September 2018
This presentation was produced in September The University of Kent makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in its publicity materials is fair and accurate and provide educational services as described. However, the courses, services and other matters may be subject to change. For the most up-to-date information see Full details of our terms and conditions can be found at

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