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Online Chapter Meeting

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1 Online Chapter Meeting
Fall 2018

2 Welcome!

3 Your Elected Leaders. This August at our Annual Convention, PSE elected delegates voted on our Board of Directors. These are the people who will represent PSE through governing and policy making. Here is your Board of Directors: State President - Charlotte Shindler Zone 6 Director - Gina Coleman State Vice President - Annie Copeland Zone 7 Director - Lorilee Thompson State Secretary - Jacque Meddles Zone 8 Director - Dick Sanderson State Treasurer - BJ Colvin Zone 9 Director - Sandy Ruthruff Zone 1 Director - Monti Franckowiak Zone 10 Director - Liz Lewis Zone 2 Director - Susan Olson Zone 11 Director - Jami Cross Zone 3 Director - Monty Chittim Zone 12 Director - Dave Douglass Zone 4 Director - Michelle Weier Zone 13 Director - Rich Dustin Zone 5 Director - Edy Lanphere PSE of WA

4 Chapter Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call of Officers Meeting Chair states, “This meeting is now called to order.” Secretary conducts roll call of elected officers, speaking loudly, clearly and allowing time for officers to reply. Welcome and introduction of visitors and first time attendees. President states, “We will now watch some important messages from our state office of Public School Employees of Washington SEIU Local 1948.” PSE of WA

5 Updates for To read our updated State Bylaws, go to under “About Us” to the “PSE State Bylaws” tab. At Convention 2018, delegates made some changes to our State Bylaws which govern the way our union operates. We’re so proud of the progress we have made as a union. Each year we strive to grow and improve even more. One of the many changes that was amended is our mission statement. This is a vital and important detail, because it conveys our purpose for existing, our reason for doing what we do, and is something we can turn to when we feel like we’re losing focus or having a hard time seeing the big picture. PSE’s new mission statement was created to reflect our union’s big picture goal. We know that unions don’t just benefit those that are in them, they benefit all workers, as well as our families and our communities as a whole. PSE of WA

Being a union member gets you so much more than what you bargain for! In addition to scholarships, professional development opportunities, discounts on fun activities for you and your family, you also have access to big savings through SEIU Member Benefits. SEIU AUTO & HOME INSURANCE PROGRAM The following insurance coverages are offered: automobile, homeowners, renters, condominium, motorcycle, RV, ATV, trailer, and personal liability coverage. SEIU FREE COLLEGE PROGRAM Eligible members and their families can earn an Associate Degree or Certificate online without having to pay for tuition, fees or e-books. You should also be receiving a flyer from us in the mail letting you know about your dental benefits through Sunrise Dental! Visit and go to the “Member Benefits” tab at the top menu, and the “SEIU Member Benefits” button on the right hand side to access these exclusive benefits ! PSE of WA

7 Fighting for Fair Raises
Chapters like PSE of South Kitsap (pictured below) saw how much capacity their district had for increases as they bargained their new contract. They fought hard and negotiated a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that finally brings them up. Each district may be impacted by McCleary funding differently and what may be negotiated will vary district to district. Every chapter should determine what capacity their employer has for wage increases and stick together to negotiate a fair contract. We are the union, and it’s up to us to fight for what we deserve. Read more about this in The VOICE! PSE of WA

8 Message from State President
Charlotte Shindler Charlotte Shindler Phone: (253)

9 Save the Date! Upcoming dates and deadlines PSE Calendar STATEWIDE
LOCAL CHAPTER Veterans Day (PSE Offices Closed) November 12, 2018 Promote Legislative Conference! (Registration opens in October) Other dates or deadlines Thanksgiving (PSE Offices Closed) November 21-23, 2018 Winter Break (PSE Offices Closed) December 20-28, 2018 Legislative Internship Application Deadline January 9, 2019 Legislative Conference January 19-21, 2019 PSE Calendar PSE of WA

10 Chapter Business Session
Overview of Standard Agenda Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report Building/Classification Representatives’ Reports Membership Officer’s Report President’s Report PSE Staff/Field Representative Comments Good of the Order Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

11 New Business Session Chapter Secretary Report Motion for approval of the minutes as presented or as amended. Normally minutes are distributed or posted for review in advance. Review how, where, when minutes are distributed. Review relevant correspondence received with members. Summarize long or irrelevant letters received. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

12 Chapter Business Session
Chapter Treasurer Report Report amount of balance(s) of chapter trust account(s). Report anticipated expenses for upcoming chapter activities (convention delegates, Legislative Conference, Trainings, etc.). Report whether or not receipts received correspond with transactions on bank statement and any other appropriate information about financial health of the chapter. Financial health is related to: Sending delegates to convention in order for chapter to receive dues rebates. Executive board creates budgets that collects and invests local dues in chapter member activities that promotes new member involvement. Minimizing the number of non‐dues paying members in the chapter. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

13 New Business Session Building/Classification Representatives Reports General overview of activities since last meeting (maintain confidentiality and anonymity). It should not be possible for anyone present to guess who or where activities are occurring in order to protect members. Summarize observations of general management practices affecting members (examples: skimming of work; disregarding seniority; not bargaining changes in work conditions; member safety concerns). It may be that there are even improvements to comment on. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

14 Chapter Business Session
Chapter Membership Officer Report Total number of chapter members. Current number of full dues payers. Current number of fee or non‐dues payers. Full member percentage: full dues payers / total members x 100. Goal is 100%. Total of new members hired into chapter prior month. Number of new members greeted in the prior month. Recognize greeters by name for their work in the prior month. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

15 Chapter Business Session
Chapter President Report Requests additions to standard agenda (see previous slide). Read summary of actions and decisions taken by the Executive Board since the last meeting. Summarize activities President engaged in since previous meeting. Summarize anticipated activities prior to next meeting. Discuss upcoming events and solicits volunteers for vacant positions. Conduct any other required business, elections, etc. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

16 Chapter Business Session
PSE Staff PSE staff, including the field representative, present information. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

17 Good of the Order Member Comments This is where any member in good standing in attendance may stand up and provide information or make comments. Consider limiting the time to 3 minutes per person, unless extended by the meeting Chair. PSE of WA

18 Chapter Business Session
New Business This is where the elected members (executive board/trustees) introduce topics of new business for discussion and action/decisions. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

19 Did You Know? Have you ever wondered where your dues go each month?
Here’s how your dues dollar works for you! Have you ever wondered where your dues go each month? From negotiation and enforcement of our contract, to communications, political and legislative work, legal action, and research, your dues support everything our union does. As a member in good standing, you’re part of a bigger movement that fights for justice for all working people. Thank you for joining us and contributing to our collective power. We broke down a dollar of your dues so you can see how each portion supports our union efforts and actions. Download the PDF here and hand out during your chapter meeting! PSE of WA

20 Meeting Adjournment Mark your calendars for the next meeting President adjourns the meeting by stating, “This meeting is now adjourned.” State the time and place of the next meeting. PSE of WA

21 Chapter Training Sharing Expertise Chapters that include a short 10‐15 minute training at the end of their chapter meetings report increased attendance at chapter meetings. Consider following your chapter meeting with some kind of short training for members relevant to all members and classifications. Examples could be having a member proficient with Google Docs showing how to utilize them, or a member sharing information from a training or conference they have attended. Contact the PSE Education and Training Manager at with questions and more information. PSE of WA

22 Thank You!

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