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Joost Tersteeg Wing, participatory policy development

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1 Providing assistance in stakeholder management and business development
Joost Tersteeg Wing, participatory policy development Brussels, 28 October 2015

2 Role in OpenNESS Training and advisory in:
Stakeholder analysis Participatory policy development Conflict management Assisting in developing the Oppla business case With focus on targetting end-user needs Firstname Surname, Organization

3 Main expected outputs Developing competences in the field of stakeholder management at the case study level Contributing to the general OpenNESS knowledge base e.g. publications, Joint Research Activities, etc. Well-designed Oppla business case with regards to end-user needs Firstname Surname, Organization

4 Main expected benefits to the company
Expanding our international peer network Expanding our experience and knowledge base Learning by & from doing ! Firstname Surname, Organization

5 Generic lessons for SMEs
Be aware and take advantage of your intermediate position between: the academic world of concept design, the practical world of policy realization, the administrative realm of policy makers. See your participation as an investment, not as a money maker! Firstname Surname, Organization

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