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Learning Intentions We are learning to (W.A.L.T.):

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Intentions We are learning to (W.A.L.T.):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Intentions We are learning to (W.A.L.T.):
Review and develop a common language and understanding of the purpose of formative assessment Identify the 5 main formative assessment strategies Effectively construct, frame and share learning intentions to improve student learning Conduct classroom observations and give meaningful, focused, non-judgmental feedback to colleagues.

2 CWT Charter Purpose Provide a purposeful and structured way for teachers to collaboratively work together to trial, share and promote the effective use of formative assessment strategies and techniques. This is within the context of building our professional learning culture. Enable teachers to have meaningful conversations, build collegiality and refine their practice through self-reflection and peer-feedback. Allow teachers to take responsibility and ownership of their learning through active involvement in the design, content, practice and evaluation of their learning. Reducing teacher isolation and de-privatising our teaching to build our professional learning culture Have professional conversations which help build our “common language” and a more consistent approach to our instructional practice. Meet our professional obligations and link to the Performance Development and Review Process Build the professional learning culture

3 Defining formative assessment and its purpose (reflection task)
Define formative assessment and describe its purpose. Outline 1-2 formative assessment techniques that they routinely (at least once a week) use to collect evidence of student learning. Give each person 1-2 minutes in which to share with the group.

4 Formative assessment – Dylan Wiliam

5 Formative assessment All those activities undertaken by teachers, and/or by students, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. Key purpose: is to collect evidence of student learning and adjust teaching to meet the needs of each student.

6 Five key strategies of formative assessment

7 Essential Principles of formative assessment
Formative Assessment Is Student centred and active learning process Formative Assessment Is Instructionally Informative Formative Assessment Is Outcomes Based

8 Formative Assessment Research
The research conducted to date is that nearly all of the studies link formative assessment to meaningful student learning gains Dunn and Mulvenon (2009)

9 Framing and sharing learning intentions (reflection task)
Individually, each staff member documents on a post-it note the reasons for sharing learning intentions with their students. These are shared amongst the team.

10 Learning intentions - Purpose
They help students to: focus on the purpose of the activity, rather than simply completing the activity; know where to focus their efforts - i.e. which part of the activity actually encompasses the learning; are more likely to stay 'on task' and less likely to be confused or distracted; can take more responsibility for learning

11 Learning intentions - Purpose

12 Writing Learning intentions @ GHS

13 Framing and sharing learning intentions – What’s my practice?
Staff use the ‘what’s my practice’ rubric to indicate where they believe they are at since the introduction of Learning intentions 2014. Give each person 30 seconds in which to share with the group the main areas that they will continue to develop this semester.

14 Classroom observations documents
Classroom observation overview Classroom observation proforma Classroom Observation Procedures and Protocols

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