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Copyright Klippert ’14.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Klippert ’14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Klippert ’14

2 Can you believe that you are about to graduate?
Welcome Class of 2014 Can you believe that you are about to graduate?

3 What does the word “education” actually mean? Education is training!
Education needs to be broken down! Education is learning how to: Listen effectively - Sit still for hours - Having fun Read efficiently - Ask for help - Celebrate Take good notes - Study with others - Sleep Handle stress - Be competitive - Succeed To be a friend - Exercise - Romance Study and recall - Testing skills - Fail Eat appropriately - Test anxiety - Computers Working with adults - How to do work - Research Copyright Klippert ’14 3

4 Life After High School: Grade 13
Life after BEHS College 4-Year 2-Year Technical School Work Military Copyright Klippert ’14

5 Copyright Klippert '12

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