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1 Background/Introduction
Hamlet Background/Introduction

2 Historical Background
Written in 1602 One of the earliest tragedies, so lighter in violence than Macbeth More of a psychological tragedy One of Shakespeare’s longest plays A complicated cast of characters

3 “To Be or Not to Be?” Parodies of the famous speech:
Alas, poor Yorick…

4 Setting: Denmark Elsinore = Hamlet’s castle
Kronberg Castle – actual name

5 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
His father (Hamlet, Sr.) has been dead two months He is home from the university in Germany Battles depression & anger issues Hamlet’s is somewhere between yrs old. Kenneth Branagh, 1996 film

6 Claudius Hamlet’s uncle King after his brother’s death
Married to Gertrude

7 Gertrude Hamlet’s mother
Married his uncle only one month after Hamlet senior’s death. Hamlet is very angry at her for this

8 Polonius Father of Ophelia and Laertes Chamberlain to the King
Talkative blow-hard, nosy

9 Ophelia Daughter of Polonius Sister of Laertes
Hamlet wrote her love letters before. She is smitten with him. Kate Winslet

10 Laertes Ophelia’s brother Does not want her involved with Hamlet
Foil for Hamlet in many ways

11 Horatio Hamlet’s best friend From Denmark
Also attended college with him in Germany

12 Rosencratz and Guildenstern
Childhood friends of Hamlet Summoned to court by the King Totally overwhelmed by the “honor” of being part of court intrigue

13 Fortinbras Prince of Norway, whose father was killed by Hamlet’s father. Seeking revenge by reclaiming the land that Denmark took during the previous war. Similar to Hamlet, his uncle is now the King of Norway. He is also a foil for Hamlet.

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