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Vocabulary 18 mar, morph, rog, sim, turb.

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1 Vocabulary 18 mar, morph, rog, sim, turb

2 mar, mer: (Latin) sea, pool marsh marine
area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide and is always waterlogged marine of the sea Other words: mariner, marina, mermaid

3 form morph: (Greek) amorphous anthropomorphic
without a clearly defined shape or form anthropomorphic having human characteristics Other words: geomorphic, metamorphosis Geomorphic – of the characteristics, configuration, and evolution of rocks and land forms.

4 ask rog: (Latin) prerogative derogatory
a right granted or expected without having to ask derogatory lessening, belittling Other words: arrogant, interrogate

5 same, alike sim, semble: (Latin)
simulate imitate the appearance or character of assimilate to take in; absorb; adapt or adjust Other words: semblance, resemblance, assembly Germiparity: reproduction by means of germs

6 commotion, confusion turb: (Latin) turbid turmoil
cloudy or thick with suspended matter turmoil a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty Other words: turbulent, disturb

7 Summary mar, mer morph rog sim, semble turb sea, pool form ask
same, alike turb commotion, confusion Sources: Google images

8 Vocab Libs Complete the sentences using vocab words
Vocab Libs Complete the sentences using vocab words. Context clues are in bold. “Under the Sea” is Sebastian’s shining moment in The Little ____________ (singular proper noun). Larry grabbed his neighbor’s hand during the ____________ (adjective) moment on the airplane; he then felt very awkward when the flight smoothed out. Making an object ____________ (adjective) could also be called personification. As the detective _______________ (past tense verb) Doug about the robbery, Doug began to sweat bullets. Taylor Lautner is said to _____________ (present tense verb) an alpaca.

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