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Case study.

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1 case study

2 • Frank is a 5 year old boy who enjoys swimming, riding his bike, and playing baseball. However, ever since Frank was a baby his parents have noticed that he becomes tired faster than the other kids and must take twice the amount of brakes throughout a day. In addition, Frank also experiences episodes of unexplained pain in his chest and knees that are few and far apart but uncommon in a 5 year old. Upon the swelling of Frank’s hands and feet, his parents took him to the emergency room

3 What would your initial diagnosis be for Frank?
What tests would you run to verify your initial diagnosis?

4 Initial diagnosis: tired faster, pain in his chest and knees, swelling hands and feet are Refers to sickle cell anemia

5 TESTS complete blood count (CBC) test: RANGE VALUE COMPONENT
   million cells 3 000 cells/mcL RBC 4-11/μL 12 500/μL WBC 12-13 g/dl 8 g/dL Hb 0-2 cell 87 cell reticulocyte /μL /μL platelet 

6 Blood smear test:

7 Hemoglobin electrophoresis test:
Hb S is approximately 70% HbF 30%. HbA2 5%


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