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Reporting & Monitoring

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1 Reporting & Monitoring
Year 7 – 2018/19

2 Assessment Schedule EVENT DATE Pupil Tracking Report 1 07/12/18
15/03/19 Pupil Tracking Report 3 (Full Report) 05/07/19 Year 7 Parents’ Evening 21/03/19 Year 7 End of Year Examinations 13/05/19 (for 1 week)

3 PUPIL Tracking Reports
Year 7 – 2018/19

4 Pupil Tracking/Reporting in Year 7
3 Pupil Tracking Reports (PTs) Received over the course of the academic year with attainment grades and “flags” included 1 Extended Tracking Report Includes written statements from Subject Tutors to identify an “Area for Celebration” and an “Area for Development” There is also a Form Tutor Report included with this

5 Pupil Tracking Reports
Current Attainment Teacher Forecast Estimated Predicted Target Aspirational Target Attitude to Learning (1 – 5) Homework (1 – 5) Celebration/Concern Flags Extended Tracking Only: Area for Celebration & Area for Development Comment

6 Grading Methods All subjects will use 9 – D1 grades
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 D4 D3 D2 D1 All subjects will use 9 – D1 grades Sub levels are used for each grade (+/middle/-) Each Grade has 3 outcomes: 9+ / 9 / 9- 8+ / 8 / 8- 7+ / 7 / 7- 6+ / 6 / 6- “Attainment Grade” is the grade your daughter is currently working at. “Teacher Forecast” is the grade that your son/daughter is expected to achieve at the end of the year if they continue to study in the same manner Both of these are based on a range of assessed work including test scores, homework tasks, examination questions and any completed controlled assessment work

7 Target setting Targets are generated using data from the Fischer Family Trust The Fischer Family Trust use a large bank of national data to effectively predict the attainment of students dependant on varying social and educational factors, including the outcomes of Key Stage 2 examinations, CATS scores and our baseline assessments. Students are given 2 targets from FFT; Estimated Predicted Target and Aspirational Target.

8 Target setting The Estimated Predicted Target is the grade that should be achieved with an average amount of effort for the duration of the course. It is also the grade that would show average progress compared to the starting point (Baseline Level). The Aspirational Target is one that could be achieved with additional effort and focus towards the subject. Achievement of this target would reflect a high level of progress compared to the Baseline Level.

9 Attitude to Learning 1 Adopts a very positive attitude to her studies in class and consistently makes a positive contribution to the learning of the group. 2 Adopts a positive attitude to her studies in class and makes a positive contribution to the learning of the group. 3 Adopts a satisfactory attitude to her studies in class but should try to make a more active contribution to the learning of the group. 4 Attitude to study is poor. Is taking limited responsibility for her own learning, and makes little contribution to the work of the group. 5 Attitude to study is unacceptable. Is taking no responsibility for her learning. No contribution to the learning of the group.

10 Homework is always completed, on time, to the standard expected.
1 Homework is always completed, on time, to a high standard and often extra effort has been made. 2 Homework is always completed, on time, to the standard expected. 3.1 Homework is always completed on time, but is often of inconsistent quality. 3.2 Homework is always completed: but is often inconsistent to the standard expected or deadlines not met. 4 Homework is being produced, but not always to the standard expected and deadlines often missed. 5 Homework is a real issue, often incomplete or not attempted. Deadlines not being met.

11 CELEBRATION FLAGS C1 Making an excellent positive contribution to learning, especially the oral aspects of classroom activities. P1 Making progress beyond what might be expected. P1.1 Has made significant progress since the last PT. T1 Is making a significant contribution to group / team activities. T2 Is making a significant contribution to practical activities in the classroom.

12 CONCERN FLAGS A Attendance is an issue and is having a significant impact on performance / progress (attendance below 90%) B Behaviour is an issue and is having a significant impact on her performance. It may also be having an impact on the learning of others in the group. C2 Must try to take a more active part in learning. Must try to contribute orally in class. E Coming to lessons not prepared for learning – lack of essential equipment – text books / exercise books / essential stationery. F Not making the progress expected as a result of homework issues. G Not making the progress expected as a result of classwork issues. H Not making the progress expected as a result of lack of focus/engagement. I A range of issues are having an impact on progress. Please make contact with LM

13 Reporting & Monitoring My Child At School

14 Westcliff High School for Girls
September 2018 Our electronic portal for parents. HELPLINE -

15 It can be accessed via any device that has an internet connection 24/7
Key Points This facility allows parents to monitor aspects of their child’s experiences at WHSG It can be accessed via any device that has an internet connection 24/7 It is user friendly and allows direct communication from a parent to the Data Team

16 Key Points ALL PUPIL TRACKING reports will be published to parents using this secure portal – we no longer provide hard copies. You will be able to check attendance and when required your child’s timetable You will receive your access details tonight after this brief introduction.

17 It is easy to get to the MCAS site from WHSG Homepage

18 This has changed best to go via WHSG
Each parent will receive an envelope which contains the internet address of the facility, and your personal access details, namely the School ID, your User Name and your initial Password, We have also included a credit card sized information card which you can store in your wallet/purse with all the details required to request a new password should you forget it. September 2018

19 Once you have successfully logged in, this screen will appear.
This should be completed immediately rather than put off until later.

20 Sean the Prawn Having completed the account retrieval details you will see this screen informing you that you will be sent a validation . Please check your account for this validation message and complete the validation as requested.

21 If you would like to change your password to something more memorable, you can access this from the homepage by selecting ‘Settings’ on the main menu at the top of the page …. From the three options, select Account Settings

22 Simply follow the instructions and remember to UPDATE.

23 In the event that you do forget your password, resetting is a very simple process using the forgotten login details option….

24 Finally, please be advised, proceeding to login to the portal you are effectively agreeing to the terms and conditions laid out in the Data Protection Act covering educational electronic transfer data transfer. Our service provider BromCom, may request that you change your password every 60 days, you may ignore this if you are happy that your access is secure. All reports published to the portal may be printed or saved as required by the user. Reports are not stored indefinitely so if you require a permanent copy please save.

25 School Contact details:
Please regarding any issues you may be having with the portal. Please provide your: USERNAME CHILD’S NAME AND YEAR and a brief explanation of the problem you are experiencing. We will get back to you as soon as possible. The data team Mr Seàn McHale & Mrs Karen Galloway-Dugard are NOT able to provide telephone support – Please to:

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