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System & Network Administration (MCSA & RHCSA)

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Presentation on theme: "System & Network Administration (MCSA & RHCSA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 System & Network Administration (MCSA & RHCSA)
Lecture 2-3 By Waseem Ahmad Topic :DNS

2 History OF DNS In 1983 ,during the use of Arpanet
Host File (store on Single pc) . This is in hierarchical structure. ZONE Primary Zone ( Which have writable copy of zone file) Secondary zone ( which obtain read-only copy of zone file) Strub Zone ( Copy of Zone contain only authoritative DNS Servers for that zone) 1-Each computer have their own Host File for Name Resolution . In which Like Pc-A CC-Pc. 2-And this Host File contains all those computer entries for all node and computer connected with the networks . Disadvantages : 3 If One new Pc or Node connected to the one of the network then other pc connected to that network have not entry of that pc until not updated Host File . 4 Internet is expand so speedily so we cant updated so large So we have central Server and each computer in network have know the address of this server . Like if we want to open then our computer first goes to that server , This Server have its own database then lookup in its database and give the name to ip resolution . Hirararical modal and domain . is our main server , and we have other server us server Asia, Africa Australia . Then if Asia server request for resolution of site it goes to our main DNS server and then going back to that server . So for this we placed and make small child server in every zone , That fulfill the request for that local zone. Zones: Each Local DNS server have small database this database that contains entries called the zones .



5 Some Important Commands For DNS

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