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2. Transfer function of closed loop system

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1 2. Transfer function of closed loop system
Link: 2.1 Step resp. Example 2.1 MEE Lecture 08D G1(s) Kt + - K G2(s) C(s) R(s) Forward paths: KG1G2 Loops: KG1G2(-1) , G1Kt (-1) Mason formula Forward paths Loops

2 Example 2.2

3 Example 2.3 ) s ( R clc,clear,nc=6*[0.24,2.1,1];dc=[2.1,0]; np=[6];dp=conv(conv([1,1],[1,2]),[1,3]); nh=conv(nc,np);dh=polyadd(conv(dc,dp),conv(nc,np)); Eigenvalues of open loop system: Dp= p1=-1, p2=-2, p3=-3 Eigenvalues of closed loop system: D(s)=DcDp+NcNp=0, roots(dh) p1=-4.526, p2,3= ±2.7883i, p4=

4 for closed loop system: Δt=0.0703, tss=13.2181
p1=-4.526, p2,3= ±2.7883i, p4= for p1 , for p2,3 , for p4 , for closed loop system: Δt=0.0703, tss= dt=0.0703;tson= ;t=0:dt:tson; tfh=tf(nh,dh);[c,t]=step(tfh,t);plot(t,c), max(c) Overshoot: % 43.19 Link: 2.1 Step resp.

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