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Before-School Routine

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1 Before-School Routine
Mrs. Healy’s Before-School Routine








9 Why do this every day?







16 But with routine…

17 Beginning of Class Routine
Come in Check MATERIALS LIST (& collect what you need) Grab your notebook/text book Sit in your seat Begin working on the DO NOW

18 Do Now Put your name and class period on the front of the marble notebook. Turn to the very back inside cover, and write: VOCABULARY On the back of the last page, write: Unit One Vocabulary

19 On Task Partners Whoever is the person sitting next to you will always be your “On Task Partner” Check each other’s work, and make sure you labeled the notebook correctly

20 Create a QHT chart Q (question) H (heard of) T (could teach)

21 Categorize these words:
Synthesis Perspective Argument Claim Counterclaim Concession Refutation Voice Syntax Conflict Theme Thematic Statement Allusion Symbol Image Figurative Language Literary Terms Academic Vocabulary

22 Now… Turn to the front page in your Notebook, and title it:
Writer’s Notebook When you both have this done correctly, send one of you up to get a handout.

23 SCAVENGER HUNT! Read over the entire hunt before we begin.
Put a star next to those things that you might have to wait in line for Make a plan for how you will complete each part.

24 GO!

25 Exit Slip In Writer’s Notebook: Put the Date
Write three English related goals you have for this school year.

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