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Computational Issues in Secure Interoperation

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1 Computational Issues in Secure Interoperation
Li gong & Xiaolei Qian Presented by: Saubhagya Joshi

2 focus Principles of Secure Interoperation This paper: Autonomy
Any access permitted within an individual system must also be permitted under secure interoperation Security Any access NOT permitted within individual system must also be denied under secure interoperation This paper: General secure interoperation problem is undecidable Optimal solutions for secure interoperation is NP-complete Complexity is reduced by composability in secure local interoperation

3 Background From HRU model, given two systems G1, G2, interoperation F and access right r in G1 Actions on objects: create, delete, enter right, remove right Can access right r be added to G1 where it did not previously exist? General Secure Interoperation is Undecidable

4 Definitions Secure System Permitted Access
A secure system is an access control list in the form of G = <V, A> where V is a set of entities and A is a binary relation “access” on V that is reflexive, transitive and antisymmetric. Permitted Access Permitted Access is a binary relation F on  in=1 Vi where  (u, v)  F, u  Vi, v  Vj, and i  j.

5 Restricted Access Permitted Access is a binary relation R on  in=1 Vi where  (u, v)  R, u  Vi, v  Vj, and i  j. In a federated system Q = <V’, A’> consisting of n subsystems where, V = in=1 Vi and A’ = (in=1 Ai  F) - R Autonomy Principle Ai remains legal in A’, ie (u,v)==Ai and (u,v)==A’ Security Principle Illegal access (u,v)=/=Ai and (u,v)=/=A’

6 Secure Interoperation
Given Gi =<Vi, Ai>, n = 1, …, n. Q = <  in=1 Vi, B> is a secure interoperation if B  R = , and  u, v  Vi, (u, v)==Ai if and only if (u, v)==B.

7 Problem: Security Evaluation
Given Gi =<Vi, Ai>, I=1, …, n, permitted access F, and restricted access R. Is < in=1 Vi (in=1 Ai  F) – R> a secure interoperation? Security Evaluation is polynomial time.

8 If insecure, it can be made secure by:
Removing security violations by reducing F until interoperation is secure Look for S  F such that C = in=1 Ai  S) – R is secure Trivial Look for a secure solution that includes all other secure solutions Find S  F such that C = in=1 Ai  S) – R is secure, and, for any secure solution T, T  S. Not possible all the time

9 Look for solutions that cannot be expanded further a1
F = {(b3, a2),(a3, b2)} S1 = (a3, b2) S2 = (b3, a2) F = S1  S2 Look for solutions that cannot be expanded further Find secure solution S  F such that, for any secure solution T, S  T. a1 a3 a2 b1 b3 b2

10 Maximize data sharing Natural optimality measure
Arcs that cause problems a and d c and d Solution Remove d Retain a and c E B A D F C a b c d

11 Problem: Maximum Secure Interoperation
Maximum secure interoperation is NP complete Non-deterministic machine can guess solution at random and verify security and autonomy properties Maximum access secure interoperation is NP complete Simplified maximum-access secure interoperation is in polynomial-time Graph is acyclic

12 Composability Given secure local interoperation, is global interoperation secure? Given system Gi = <Vi, Ai>, i = 0, 1, …, n, where Go is the master system, let Go-i = <Go, Gi, Fi> denote the local interoperation between Go and Gi with permitted Access set Fi, i = 1, …, n. The global system is given by: G’ = < in=1 Vi, (in=1 Ai )  (in=1 Fi )>.

13 G’ is secure if and only if Go-i is secure, I = 1, …, n.
b d Gi Go b a c CASE 1 CASE 2

14 Conclusion Security of general interoperation is undecidable
Finding secure solution with optimality is NP-complete Composability reduces complexity

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