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Chamonix 2006 – LHC Project Workshop
What is required to get the beam safely out of the LHC B.Goddard AB/BT Input from E.Carlier, J.Uythoven, R.Assmann, V.Kain, J.Wenninger + others 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Outline of talk Beam dumping system :
Operational states and sequencing Beam commissioning – what, when and how: Overview of beam commissioning needed Fitting into the overall LHC commissioning Breakdown of individual LBDS beam tests TCDQ positioning Discussion points and conclusion 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Scope I will focus on ‘Stage I’ as detailed earlier by Roger 1 pilot
43 bunches (41010 p+) 156 bunches ( 91010 p+) Requirements for ‘Stage II’ are basically more of the same 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Reminder Dilution kicker system MKB is staged (2H, 2V)
Limits extracted intensity at 7 TeV to 50% of nominal For 25ns spacing, this is a limit on single bunch intensity, NOT on total in LHC Not an issue for “Stage I” : could safely dump full beam intensity up to about TeV – (no interlock - rather unlikely to be needed in first few months…) BTVDD trace – full dilution BTVDD trace – staged MKB Allowed dumped intensity (staged MKB) 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Q: “when is the LBDS needed….”?
See J.Wenninger’s presentation ! System Commissioning before beam possible ? First pilot beam 10^12 43 bunches ^12 156 bunches ^12<N<1.4 10^13 936 bunches >5 10^13 Beam Dumping System 450 GeV PARTIAL Beam Dumping System 7 TeV System tests, HWC and Reliability Run to validate internal dependencies of LBDS subsystems, and connection with MP systems (including BIS) no operational Beam Dump system = no Beam permit However….LBDS can be “operational” for pilot intensity, but “not operational” for 43 bunch running need representation of “operational state” (LHC sequencer) A: “day 1” 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
“Bootstrapping” the LBDS operational state
Need to drive LBDS operational state from “Not ready” to “Ready for beam” Diagnostics IPOC, XPOC Beam dump triggered Arming procedure Not ready Ready for no beam Ready for pilot Tests with pilot beam Ready for beam LBDS operational states BUT LBDS “Ready for beam” can’t distinguish between 1 or 2808 bunches of 1011 p+ need formal representation of the progress of the LHC commissioning process could envisage MCS + SIS (plus sequencer?) to manage this 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Safety critical aspects of the LBDS
Signal from beam interlock system (test in HWC/RR) No trigger = no beam dump Energy tracking Potentially catastrophic (whole beam at “any” amplitude) MKD retriggering (test in HWC/RR) No retriggering could put whole 7 TeV beam at ~10s TCDQ setting Wrong w.r.t. orbit exposes LHC arc / triplets / collimators. System self-tests and post-mortem Undetected ‘dead’ MKD severely reduces reliability Aperture, optics and orbit Dump with bad orbit could damage extraction elements MSD, TCDS or MKB MKD – MKB connection and sweep form Insufficient dilution could damage TDE, BTVDD and TDE entrance window Abort gap ‘protection’ Beam in the abort gaps risks quench, or TCT/LHC damage if TCDQ position error Fault tolerance with 14/15 MKD The system is designed to operate safely with only 14 out of the 15 MKDs Nearly all aspects need beam commissioning (validation or optimisation) 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
LBDS beam commissioning in phase I
Pilot beam: Before first extraction…. Before first ramp… During ramp… At 7 TeV… Before moving to potentially unsafe beam: Interlock commissioning TCDQ positioning 43 bunches Before first extraction… 156 bunches 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before first extraction…
Circulating beam, 1 pilot at 450 GeV Optics and other measurements in IR6 Beta, dispersion, orbit correction, stability Commission dedicated LBDS BDI for circulating beam Synch BPM, BLMs (MKD, MSD, TCDS, TCDQ), check direct LBDS interlock BLM Aperture measurement with circulating beam MSD, TCDS, MKD, TCDQM Opening for circulating beam (H plane) at TCDS and MSD 15.3 mm (n1=6.5) 20.8 mm (n1=7.0) 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before first pilot ramp…i
Extracted beam: GeV (inject & dump) First extraction Into “Inject & Dump” mode “Rough” extraction timing Adjust RF synch MKD kick delay, S signal from IR6 BPM (UA access for each delay trim!) Commission extraction line BDI BTV (SE, D, DD), BPM (SE, D), BLMs, BCTs Any major problems will be apparent at this stage! 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before first pilot ramp…ii
Extracted beam: GeV (inject & dump) Verification of extraction trajectory and aperture Vary orbit in IR6 and measure aperture at TCDS/MSD/TD line Optimise extraction trajectory (orbit, MKD, MSD); define ‘reference’ (UA access for MKD trim!) Define limits for interlock BPM reference Explicit check that aperture is adequate for 14/15 MKD case Unplugging 1 MKD is not desirable (interlocks to be strapped, undo HWC/RR validation, etc.) Prefer to check by varying orbit in IR6 (1/15 of 270 mrad…) Opening for extracted beam (H plane) at TCDS and MSD Extracted beam aperture vs IR6 orbit { MKD sweep 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before first pilot ramp…iii
Extracted beam: GeV (inject & dump) Logging and fixed displays Checks that the beam related data is being correctly acquired and displayed XPOC basic functionality (trajectory, BLMs, BCT, kickers, BTVDD, …) Check that XPOC validation is working correctly for pilot setup Issue: safe change of configuration when changing beam. With MCS/SIS/sequencer? BDI Post-Mortem data Check that all beam-dependant transient signals from the LBDS systems are being PM’d 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before first pilot ramp…iv
Extracted beam: GeV (inject & dump) MKD kick waveform measurements Important for aperture at TCDS/MSD BPMD, BTVDD and BLMs. inject & dump, vary injected bunch bucket (5 meas. points) MKB sweep measurements Important for MKB and TD line aperture BPMD and BTVDD. inject & dump, vary injected bunch bucket (≈10 meas. points) MKD kicker waveforms (current signal) BTVDD ‘screenshot’ 89 ms bunch 1 bunch 1300 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
During ramp with pilot…
Extracted beam: GeV (dump in ramp) MKD, MKB kicker and MSD septum energy tracking Extract single pilot at pre-defined energies in the ramp (calibrated points) Adjustment of kicker lookup tables means UA access Time-consuming if done as dedicated measurement….need to organise in a quasi-parasitic way Extraction with 2 pilots during the ramp is also needed to verify the abort gap timing… combine? MKD lookup table calibration data 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before moving to unsafe beams…i
Extracted beam: GeV (inject & dump) MKD kicker “fine” timing adjustment Inject 2 pilots into positions 1 and 2808 (3.0 ms spacing) Fine adjustment of MKD timing (IR6 synch BPMs and RF frequency) Acquire last turn of bunch 2808 in LHC to verify MKD kick (0.5 s or 3 mrad) bunch 1 turn n 270 mrad kick bunch 2808 turn n-1 3 mrad kick MKD kick waveform 3.0 ms Note: this also needs to be checked through the ramp… 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before moving to unsafe beams…ii
Circulating beam: safe 450 GeV Abort gap “watchdog” Commission the link between the LBDS and the injections Fine timing between IR6 and injections needs to be adjusted with beam Interlock BPMs for IR6 maximum orbit Interlocked to around ±3.6 mm. Threshold setting and tests 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before moving to unsafe beams…iii TCDQ
Circulating beam: GeV Adjustment of TCDQ/TCS jaws to 450 GeV position (≈10 s) Beam axis wrt jaw, adjustment of jaw tilt, movement cross-calibration TCS – 2 jaws - more accurate movement - tighter setting (by ≈1 s) Needs BLMs and collimator controls Orbit at TCDQ Measurement of beam axis Circulating beam: safe GeV Establish TCDQ movement function during ramp Interdependence with collimation system Circulating beam: safe 7 TeV Establish TCDQ movement function during squeeze Accurate adjustment of TCDQ and TCS jaws in final position Establish reference settings for target b* during next phase of commissioning Interdependency on collimation settings, and on orbit feedback Iterations (changes of orbit, b-beat, b*) to finalise TCDQ reference function This looks like a major workup! 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Alternative for TCDQ setting during phase I…
TCDQ protects arc at 450 GeV and TCTs/triplets at 7 TeV squeezed 450 GeV - set TCDQ/TCS system up at ±10 s Rely on ±4 mm interlock to protect arc (maximum excursion at TCDQ is ≈2 s ) Asynch dump with 156b, max. 2 bunches in interval 7-12 s Safe for 450 GeV 7 TeV - pilot near to damage level - set TCDQ/TCS at ±10 s Rely on 2-jawed TCS to protect the TCTs – don’t worry about the orbit Keep TCTs at ≈20 s protected for any orbit in IR6 (limits b* to 2 m) Can then (if needed) delay final orbit feedback + TCDQ beam position + SW interlock full commissioning to b* <2 m Should improve operational efficiency during stage I Need to check through all detailed implications Protection level with TCS - decide safe combinations of intensity/filling pattern Optics control/knowledge at TCDQ, TCTs and triplets (plus orbit at TCTs/triplets) 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before first 43b ramp… Extracted beam: 450 GeV (inject, fill & dump?) Start with 43 pilots, to keep below the damage threshold When this is OK, move to 43 bunches of 41010 for validation Losses in extraction channel and along the dump line Reduced sweep with staged MKB means generous TD aperture Check BDI response Logging, PM and XPOC validations Establish new reference data for XPOC… BPMD BTVDD 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Before first 156b ramp… Extracted beam: 450 GeV (inject, fill & dump?) As per 43b activities… Plus…..TDE thermal behaviour? ≈10 kW for nominal beam at 7 TeV every 10 hours Could load with ≈4 kW with repeated inject, fill & dump of 156 bunches… 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
LBDS beam commissioning – pilot beam
LBDS beam commissioning activity LHC mode Beam type Energy GeV Things to do before first pilot extraction IR6 optics measurements Injection Circulating 1 pilot 450 Commission dedicated LBDS BDI in IR6 Extraction element aperture measurements … before first pilot ramp First extractions: rough timing adjustment Inject & dump Extract 1 pilot TD line BDI commissioning Extraction trajectory and aperture measurements Data diagnostics: IPOC, logging, FDs, PM, XPOC MKD waveform overshoot measurements MKB sweep measurements … with the pilot ramp Energy tracking measurements Ramp …before moving to operation with potentially “unsafe” beams Fine timing adjustment Extract 2 pilots Commission SW interlock on beam position at TCDQ Circulating, safe beam Commission IR6 orbit BPM interlock Commission abort gap watchdog TCDQ “injection setting” positioning Fine timing in ramp Extract 2 pilots TCDQ positioning at 7 TeV Adjust/squeeze Circulating, 1 pilot 7000 = time consuming 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
LBDS beam commissioning – 43b
LBDS beam commissioning activity LHC mode Beam type Energy GeV Things to do before first 43b extraction Orbit feedback / stability checks at TCDQ Injection Circulating, 43b 450 … before first 43b ramp Extraction trajectory checks Inject & dump Extract 43 pilots TD line BDI checks Extract 43b Data diagnostics: XPOC … with the 43b ramp Energy tracking and abort gap timing checks Ramp … with 43b at 7 TeV TCDQ positioning at 7 TeV Adjust/squeeze 7000 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
LBDS beam commissioning – 156b
LBDS beam commissioning activity LHC mode Beam type Energy GeV Things to do before first 156b extraction Orbit feedback / stability checks at TCDQ Injection Circulating, 156b 450 … before first 156b ramp Extraction trajectory and BDI checks Inject & dump Extract, 156 pilots Extract, 156b Data diagnostics: XPOC TDE thermal behaviour … with the 156b ramp Energy tracking and abort gap timing checks …with 156b at 7 TeV TCDQ positioning at 7 TeV Adjust/squeeze 7000 This is essentially the same list of activities as from pilot to 43b. It will be essentially the same list for all major changes in LHC beam (filling pattern, significant intensity steps, optics, emittance, …) 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Unfinished business… Inject and dump mode Diagnostics
Needed from first extractions, for efficient commissioning Details to finalise (timing, PM/logging,, multiple injections, turn delays, HW,SW) Diagnostics Split between IPOC, XPOC, logging and PM; XPOC configurations Abort gap monitoring and cleaning in phase I Assumed not needed for protection - could be important for efficiency Topic for another day… Ensuring that only ‘authorised’ beam can be used Operational states and allowed LHC beam conditions – MCS, SIS and sequencer Halo at TCDQ Effect of “minimum collimation” strategy – risk of frequent Q4 quenches FLUKA energy deposition simulations give cause for concern – work ongoing Beam 2 will be worse….not checked yet 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Conclusion LBDS beam commissioning for phase I operation:
will depend heavily on HWC/RR; Validation of subsystem interconnectivity and reliability assumptions Many key elements will be fully commissioned without beam requires careful commissioning with pilot beam; At 450 GeV before extraction, to check the optics and aperture At 450 GeV in “Inject & Dump” mode, to check the LBDS functioning During the ramp, to check the energy tracking requires specific checks when LHC beam changes; To verify instrument response, diagnostics and losses can be somewhat relaxed for difficult TCDQ/TCS positioning; By taking advantage of limited b* squeeze and number of bunches 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
LBDS functional dependencies - overview
23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
External “subsystems” requiring beam
LHC control system Ethernet LBDS DCCTs Access BPM IR6 Fast timing (RF synch) BLM6 TCDQ position Direct triggers (to TSU) Slow timing Abort gap monitor Emergency stop status IR6 PM trigger Mains & UPS status IR6 orbit feedback External outputs External inputs Machine Protection interfaces SLP Injection BIC interface Software interlock LHC beam permit loop 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Primary LBDS failure catalogue
Lookup tables in the LBDS
Lookup tables within Beam Energy Tracking sub-system to convert physical measurements to energy Conversion of main bending currents to energy Conversion of energy to kicker voltage references Conversion of extraction septa currents to energy Conversion of ring quadrupole Q4 currents to energy Conversion of kicker voltages to energy Modification (e.g. adjust MKD strength) reprogram local FPGAs E.Carlier 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Look-Up Tables - Which Type and Where
Acquisition Settings Main Bends Normalisation to Beam Energy Operational Settings Kicker HV Generators ImeasA EbeamA UrefKi Reference UmeasKi Kicker HV Generators Q4 & Septa Magnets EbeamKi Tracking Interlock Logic |EbeamB – EbeamKiMi| > 0.5% * EbeamB Normalisation to Beam Energy ImeasMi EbeamMi Main Bends Normalisation to Beam Energy Imeas B EbeamB Dump Trigger Request Interlock Acquisition Tracking First Order Interpolation Memory Map 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Energy tracking performance
Power converter DCCT precision ±0.1 % Kicker HV divider precision ±0.2 % BEA sampling frequency 65 kHz BEA resolution 16 bit BEA–BEM / BEI transmission rate ~100 kbit/s Error during ramp (10 A/s) 0.01% Bending magnet look-up table precision Kicker magnet look-up table precision Beam energy reference error (with interlock on RF & Sextupole) ±0.4 % BEI tracking frequency 1 kHz BEI tracking reaction time 1 ms Bending magnet tolerance window ±0.3 % Kicker magnet tolerance window ±0.5 % 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
“Bootstrapping” the LBDS operational state
BUT LBDS “Ready for beam” can’t distinguish between 1 or 2808 bunches of 1011 p+ need formal representation of the progress of the LHC commissioning process could envisage MCS + SIS (plus sequencer?) to manage this Ready for pilot LBDS “Ready for pilot” commission pilot prepare for bunches Ready for bunches commission 43 bunches prepare for bunches Ready for bunches LBDS always “Ready for beam” commission 156 bunches prepare for bunches Ready for bunches commission 936 bunches prepare for bunches Ready for 2808 bunches commission 2808 bunches LHC state Inside each activity are commissioning steps for LBDS, which must be completed and “signed-off” before overall LHC is declared “Ready” for next stage. 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
Areas for concern – halo at TCDQ
Effect of “minimum collimation” strategy High load on TCDQ risks frequent Q4 quenches Load from beam tracking: input for FLUKA energy deposition simulations Beam 2 will be worse – not checked yet Thermal load in Q4 coil due to halo no beam cleaning nominal cleaning 0.03mW/cm3 15mW/cm3 A.Presland 23 January 2006 Chamonix LHC Project
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