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Cellular Respiration by Shelley Penrod and RM Chute

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Respiration by Shelley Penrod and RM Chute"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Respiration by Shelley Penrod and RM Chute
Anaerobic Respiration Glycolysis Fermentation Alcohol Lactic Acid Aerobic Respiration Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain

2 Glycolysis Outline glucose pyruvic acid cytoplasm 10 10 NADH H+
ADP + 2P1 NAD+ NADH H+ ATP ATP glucose pyruvic acid Glycolysis Outline return to summary

3 Pyruvic Acid  Aerobic or Anaerobic
bacteria Aerobic to mitochondria back of page Muscles(lactic acid) Yeast (alcohol) Anaerobic Fermentation

4 Anaerobic Respiration Fermentation
oxygen NADH H+ NADH H+ ADP +P1 NAD+ ATP 2 Lactic Acid Fermentation pyruvic acid NAD+ H H lactic acid Anaerobic Respiration Fermentation

5 Anaerobic Respiration Fermentation
oxygen NADH H+ NADH H+ ADP +P1 NAD+ ATP 2 Alcohol Fermentation pyruvic acid CO2 NAD+ H H ethanol Anaerobic Respiration Fermentation

6 CoA recycles for 2nd Pyruvic Acid and 2nd turn of the Krebs Cycle
Aerobic Respiration pyruvic acid 1 2 matrix matrix 4 8 mitochondria mitochondria CO2 1 2 NADH H+ citric acid CO2 CO2 CoA CoA recycles for 2nd Pyruvic Acid and 2nd turn of the Krebs Cycle ATP NADH H+ Krebs Cycle (TCA) Citric Acid Cycle CoA NADH H+ acetyl CoA 2nd pyruvic acid pyruvic acid oxaloacetic acid oxaloacetic acid FADH2 NADH H+ return to summary

7 Electron Transport Chain –Oxidative Phosphorylation
inner mitochondria electrons H+ ATP Synthase three two Electron Transport Chain –Oxidative Phosphorylation

8 Summary of Maximum Energy Yield from the Oxidation of One Molecule of Glucose
2 2 Glycolysis: 2 6 6 * Glycolysis: Pyruvic acid 1 3 6 1 Krebs Cycle 3 9 24 1 2 38 * Handouts and Web PowerPoint Location

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