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Goal: Improve Nominating Process for Board of Directors

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Presentation on theme: "Goal: Improve Nominating Process for Board of Directors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal: Improve Nominating Process for Board of Directors
Goal: Improve Nominating Process for Board of Directors Action Step Person Responsible Due Date Budget Review bylaws to determine current procedure and revise as needed. Executive Committee February 1st $ Appoint Nominating Committee members and chair Board Chair March 1st Review board job descriptions and update as needed. Identify gaps in board , and identify people to fill those gaps Nominating Committee March 15th Update board packet Nominating Committee, Staff, & Kinko’s April 15th $ Develop plans to interview board prospects Begin May 1st $ Propose slate to board for board approval October 1st Orient new board members Staff and Board December 1st $ Ensure new members are involved and invested Ongoing Total Budget $ SAMPLE BUDGET: NOTE SOME THINGS COST NO MONEY. Copyright © 2011 First Children’s Finance

2 Goal: Action Step Person Responsible Due Date Budget Total Budget
FACILITATOR: This sheet can be used as homework to start creating their own budget.

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