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Operations Standards: A Formula For Success

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2 Operations Standards: A Formula For Success
Tom Breen John Haynes, ENP Christopher Blake Carver, ENP

3 Introductions Who are we and what is our connection to NENA? We offer three distinct experiences– but have all benefited from the standards provided by NENA

4 History of Standards and NENA
In a galaxy long ago and not so far away…

5 Why are Standards Important?
There is no overall governing body of 9-1-1 But requires cooperation and coordination NENA stepped into that void Founded in 1981 Evolved to over 10,000 members

6 Three Sample Standards
PSAP Survivability Virtual PSAP Management Criteria Based Rating Scale

7 90% of all 9-1-1 calls shall be answered within 10 seconds
A Recent Case Study A Major American City Experiencing Problems Study Reveals calls not being answered in the proper amount of time Reporters and the community begin to raise questions City admits there is a problem and decides to make changes 90% of all calls shall be answered within 10 seconds

8 Another Case Study We do not always create standards alone
The APCO/NENA Standard For the Establishment of a Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Program for Public Safety Answering Points. One Example of a Joint Standard Requires more work but increases reach and status

9 ANSI? American National Standards Institute
Founded 1918 501c3 Private, Non-Profit Organization Washington DC & NY, NY Validates that our standards are done according to a proper process Improves the adoption and acceptances rates of our standards Helps minimize duplication of efforts across other entities

10 The process to create An issue is identified and submitted to NENA
The Development Steering Council Decides to Adopt the Issue (or rejects) The issue is assigned to a committee– who designates or creates a work group to work on the issue The work group “works” the issue over the course of several months

11 How do YOU get involved? Use the NENA standards in your center (they are listed on our website) If you identify an issue that we should address, submit it! Volunteer to serve on a NENA committee! Share with others that NENA offers Standards and Documents to Support Operations

12 Discussion of Standards
What Questions do you have about the standards process?

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