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Unit 5 Transformations in the Plane

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1 Unit 5 Transformations in the Plane
We’ve seen transformations in the context of functions. ****Given a linear function name all the basic transformations. In Geo, it’s the same concept. We can take an original shape and move it across the plane.

2 How has this shape moved?
Pre-image vs. image (show notation and corresponding parts) Line of reflection can also be known as “line of symmetry”, “axis of symmetry” Reflected- Also known as “flip” Reflections take place across a “line of reflection”

3 How has this shape moved?
Translated- Also known as “glide” or “slide” Shapes can be translated in any direction

4 How has this shape moved?
Rotation- Also known as “turn” Rotations are centered around a point Show image vs. pre-image with notation. Can be done around all angles, clockwise or counter clockwise.

5 Rigid transformations
Rotation, reflection and translation are called rigid because they preserve distance and angles. Another term is isometries (isometry) We do have one transformation that is NOT isometric…..

6 Dilation K>1 the image enlarges K<1 the image shrinks
Shrinking or blowing up a shape Scale factor- the measurement of how the shape changes K>1 the image enlarges K<1 the image shrinks

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