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PIN feedback – Task 2 (Having a persuasive argument)

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1 PIN feedback – Task 2 (Having a persuasive argument)
KEY TIPS – Counterfactual History Counterfactual history, also sometimes referred to as virtual history, is a form of historiography that attempts to answer "what if" questions known as counterfactuals. This is a great technique in helping you to reach a sustained judgement and help you prove why your argument is stronger

2 PIN feedback – Task 2 (Having a persuasive argument)
In conclusion, the role of the individual has certainly been a key part in the development of medicine as without Pasteur, Jenner and Lister and their respective discoveries of the germ theory in 1861, vaccination and carbolics in 1861, then medicine would never have developed from the Medieval period. However, it would be unwise to see that it has been the main factor as the individuals work would not have happened or had the effect that it did without other key factors playing a part. If we removed Pasteur from the equation, would another scientist have came to the same conclusions about the micro-organisms? Possibly. If we removed the microscope would Pasteur have made his discovery? Certainly not. Individuals may be remembered as the catalyst for change, but that is because it is more romantic to remember key people, rather than looking at other strands, which in some people’s eyes, undermines these individuals. In a similar sense to how Galen is accused as the man for hindering medical progress, this too is unfair, because it was another factor, religion that enforced his ideas. There is no single factor for causing change, they are all interlinked. By asserting that the role of the individual was the most important reason, you must too claim that chance was equally important.

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