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Southside Basketball Camp 3rd Grade Boys and Girls

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1 Southside Basketball Camp 3rd Grade Boys and Girls
Cost is only $40 February 19, 20, 21 and 23 at Southside Gym 2:45-4:00 Instructors: Mr. Bodart 4th Grade teacher, former CNHS JV Basketball, Northside 8th grade, Southside Boys Basketball Coach and current CNHS Freshman coach Mr. Bean 3rd Grade teacher, former CNHS Girls Varsity Assistant, Northside 8th grade and current Southside Girls Basketball Coach Skills Presented: Shooting, Passing, Dribbling and Defense Each Camper Will Receive: A NEW basketball, a Southside Basketball T-shirt and a $5 Subway gift card Contact information: Mr. Bodart Mr. Bean Registration Form: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I give my permission for _______________________________________(camper name) to attend Southside Basketball Camp. Cash or Check (circle one) Note: NO bus transportation home. Campers must be picked up. Checks made payable to Chris Bodart. Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL (circle one) Student Name________________Parent Signature____________________ Teacher/Grade________________ Parent Contact #__________________ Please complete and return the bottom portion of this form with payment to Mr. Bodart In Room 214 by first day of camp.

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