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Neutrinos in the Standard Model and Beyond

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1 Neutrinos in the Standard Model and Beyond
Alexey Pronin Virginia Tech April 21, 2008 The University of Mississippi

2 Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi

3 Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi

4 Outline What are neutrinos? How were they first detected?
How are their properties studied today? NuTeV experiment. Some surprising results. What can we learn from neutrino experiments? Predictions and future prospects. Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

5 1. What are neutrinos? How were they first detected?
Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

6 Standard Model of Elementary Particles
31 Flavors: 6 Flavors: Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

7 Antiparticles Carl Anderson (1932) Paul Dirac (1902–1984)
For every type of matter particle there also exists a corresponding antimatter particle, or antiparticle. Carl Anderson (1932) Paul Dirac (1902–1984) Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

8 Interactions Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

9 Neutrino Interactions
Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

10 β Decay Beta Decay: Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958)
Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

11 Neutrino Detection Reactors a lot of Neutrino flux: Big detector:
Frederick Reines, Clyde Cowan (1953) Big detector: Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

12 Process Inverse Beta Decay:
Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

13 Experiment Inverse β Decay: ν e+ e- p+ n 0.5 MeV/c² photon
1 MeV/c² = 1.783×10−30 kg 0.5 MeV/c² photon p+ After 5 µs gets captured by a Cd nucleus n Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

14 2. How are neutrino properties studied today?
Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

15 Neutrino Experiments Super-Kamiokande Borexino CHOOZ KamLAND MINOS
KARMEN MiniBooNe LSND NuTeV … and many others Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

16 Tevatron at Fermilab Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi

17 NuTeV Experiment Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi

18 Neutrino Production shielding
Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

19 Detector Lots of stuff: 700 tons
Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

20 Events A neutrino collides with a nucleus and stays a neutrino:
neutral current event. A neutrino collides with a nucleus and turns into a muon: charged current event. Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

21 3. Some surprising results
Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

22 < NuTeV Anomaly = # of NCE Standard Model prediction # of CCE
2 < # of NCE Standard Model prediction = 2 # of CCE difference about 1% Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

23 4. Possible Explanation Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi

24 Unknown particle? ? 2 2 Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi

25 Leptoquark Electric charge +2/3 Electric charge -1/3
Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

26 Masses Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

27 LHC Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

28 Summary Neutrinos exist in abundance all around us but interact very weakly making them hard to detect. The first evidence for the neutrinos was found in β decay. Neutrinos were detected and now we know that there are 3 types of the neutrino: electron, muon and tau neutrino. Physicists found many surprising results when they were doing experiments involving the neutrinos. Thus, the NuTeV result disagrees with the Standard Model prediction. One possible explanation of the NuTeV anomaly: leptoquarks. The LHC and other experiments will be searching for leptoquarks in the nearest future. Stay tuned! Alexey Pronin, The University of Mississippi 04/21/2008

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