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Inference= to figure out something based on evidence

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Presentation on theme: "Inference= to figure out something based on evidence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we will make inferences using evidence from text and prior knowledge with informative text
Inference= to figure out something based on evidence Evidence=to make something clear Text=anything written or printed

2 Text Text is anything that is written or printed. You will find text in newspapers, books, billboards, and magazines to name a few.

3 Evidence In many cases, police use evidence to convict criminals when they have broken the law. They must have evidence or proof that the criminal actually committed the crime. In America, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. They must be proven guilty with evidence!

4 You’ve just used your inference skills!
Look at the picture above. What do you think just happened? Why do you think that the girl that has the gift is smiling? You’ve just used your inference skills!


6 Looking for clues in written text
Although the words were not used to describe the picture, you were able to look at the clues and base a decision on what was happening in the classroom. Now, we can do the same with written text.

7 Let’s use our steps to inference!
Teacher Model Let’s use our steps to inference! Read the sentence or paragraph that you are looking for inferences. Look for evidence of inference Use your mind and think about what you already know. Use your logical reasoning! Base your conclusion or make your inference! If necessary, reread the passage!

8 Teacher Model Read the sentence or paragraph that you are looking for inferences. Look for evidence of inference Use your mind and think about what you already know. Use your logical reasoning! Base your conclusion or make your inference! If necessary, reread the passage!

9 Teacher Model

10 Clues for inferences are in pink!
Teacher Model Clues for inferences are in pink!

11 Teacher Model Read the sentence or paragraph that you are looking for inferences. Look for evidence of inference Use your mind and think about what you already know. Use your logical reasoning! Base your conclusion or make your inference! If necessary, reread the passage!


13 What other inferences can be made from the text?
Guided Practice Read the sentence or paragraph that you are looking for inferences. Look for evidence of inference Use your mind and think about what you already know. Use your logical reasoning! Base your conclusion or make your inference! If necessary, reread the passage! Why did Anna have to be careful? What is your text evidence? What do you already know? Why did the British hide their ships? What is your text evidence? What do you already know? What other inferences can be made from the text?

14 Let’s review what we learned
Read the sentence or paragraph that you are looking for inferences. Look for evidence of inference Use your mind and think about what you already know. Use your logical reasoning! Base your conclusion or make your inference! If necessary, reread the passage! What are the steps to making an inference in texts? What is text? What is evidence?

15 What other inferences can be made from the text?
Closing Activity Read the sentence or paragraph that you are looking for inferences. Look for evidence of inference Use your mind and think about what you already know. Use your logical reasoning! Base your conclusion or make your inference! If necessary, reread the passage! Why did Mrs. King have to walk a long distance to school? What is your text evidence? What do you already know? Why did the Scotts find their home burned down? What is your text evidence? What do you already know? What other inferences can be made from the text?

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