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Student Prewriting Responses

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1 Student Prewriting Responses
Common Places: Integrated Reading and Writing Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education.  All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

2 Topic stated as a question: What changes could be made in the public school system to increase student learning? -- separate schools for boys and girls -- increased discipline -- make high schools have a career track path -- more technology -- give internships to deserving high school students -- uniforms -- make high school start later in the day -- cut down the # of hours of the school day -- create a “free college” program so that students who make a certain gpa in high school get to go to college free -- make parents pay fines for their children’s bad behavior or bad grades Simple Listing

3 Topic: family traditions
Clustering Topic: family traditions

4 Kids vs. adults touch football game Turkey & dressing & pumpkin pie
cards & presents after meal b-day cake at home Birthdays Pictionary & charades Thanksgiving Birthday person picks restaurant Family Traditions Grandma’s clam chowder fireworks watermelon Halloween July 4th Kids go trick or treating BBQ (Uncle Joe) flag raising with Grandpa Everybody gets a costume! Decorations party (1st Sat. in Oct.)

5 Explore the issue of cheating on tests.
Who is involved? students, sometimes employees, military members 2. What happens? They find a way to cheat on important exams 3. Where does it happen? In classes on campus, in online classes 4. When does it happen? When students know the test means a lot, they might feel more like they have to cheat. It also happens when students don’t prepare for the test. Using Journalistic Questions

6 Explore the issue of cheating on tests (cont.).
5. Why does it happen? “everybody” does it; students are afraid of not passing; students didn’t take the time to study enough; some students think it’s okay to cheat 6. How does it happen? Students might bring in cheat sheets, might have someone else take the test for them, might find a way to use sources when they should not be using sources, might have answer keys that they pass around. 7. What can we do to prevent it? Convince students that cheating is not okay. Make them see that cheating really does affect them. Help them develop a sense of guilt for cheating? Make tests harder to cheat on. Using Journalistic Questions

7 I can’t believe how terrible some people’s manners are
I can’t believe how terrible some people’s manners are. People don’t know about elevator manners. The people waiting to get on the elevator are supposed to WAIT for the people to get off. But ignorant people just barge on to the elevator causing a massive traffic jam. And there is NO ROOM on the elevator until the other people get off! Why don’t we teach manners anymore? Manners, manners, what other issues can I think of Rude and pushy people. Kids. Some people let their kids scream loudly when they are in stores. Don’t they know this is rude? They should tell their kids to quiet down and if their kids won’t quiet down, they should take their kids outside. Oh and manners in the movie theater, it’s like don’t get me started with how rude people are. They bring in their babies, talk on their phones, make comments about the movie . . . Imagine that you are required to write an essay about the decline of manners in public. Give yourself two to three minutes to freewrite. Freewriting

8 The End

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