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Validation of Code-Improving Transformations for Embedded Systems

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1 Validation of Code-Improving Transformations for Embedded Systems
Robert van Engelen David Whalley Xin Yuan

2 Introduction Validation of:
Compiler optimizations Hand-crafted code optimizations VISTA: VPO Interactive System for Tuning Applications View of the assembly program representation Allows orchestrating compiler optimizations applied to application code Supports code editing at the assembly level Undo/redo facilities 1/13/2019 SAC03

3 VISTA 1/13/2019 SAC03

4 Motivation Embedded system software developers often write code in assembly to meet hardware/software design constraints Hand-optimized assembly code is error-prone without tool support Validation of compiler optimizations is important for high-risk systems 1/13/2019 SAC03

5 Related Work Horwitz: “Identifying the Semantic and Textual Differences between Two Versions of a Program” [PLDI90] Limited number of high-level program constructs Rinard & Marinov: “Credible Compilation with Pointers” [FLoC99] Compiler writer must define invariants (formulas) for each transformation 1/13/2019 SAC03

6 Related Work (cont’d) Necula: “Translation Validation for an Optimizing Compiler” [PLDI00] Transformations cannot change branch structure Program slicing From a subset of program behavior reduce the program to a minimum form that produces the behavior Proving type and memory safeness Complementary to our approach 1/13/2019 SAC03

7 System Overview C source code Determine transformed region CFG
VPO compiler or manual optimizations Get semantic effects at exit points Object code Compare normalized effects Ctadel algebraic simplifier 1/13/2019 SAC03

8 Register Transfer Lists
RTLs are memory and register assignments r[8]=0; M[r[2]+.c]=r[8]; PC=IC<0,L14; Supports any ISA, e.g. predicated ILP forms M[r[2]]=0; r[2]=r[2]+4; M[r[2]]=IC<0,0; M[r[2]]=IC>=0,1; Translation between assembly and RTL form is easy and can be automated 1/13/2019 SAC03

9 Modeling ISA Semantics with RTL Effects
RTL defines the semantics of an ISA using memory/register effects JMP Label in RTL: PC=Label; LD r0,sp+8 in RTL: r[0]=M[r[14]+8]; SUB r0,r1 in RTL: IC=r[0]?r[1]; r[0]=r[0]-r[1]; 1/13/2019 SAC03

10 Validation of Code-Improving Transformations
entry entry optimize exit exit effects effects exit exit effects effects exit exit effects effects 1/13/2019 SAC03

11 Example Transformation
IC=r[8]?0; PC=IC<0,L14; r[8]=r[9]; M[r[14]+.c]=r[8]; PC=L15; r[8]=r[9]; r[8]=-r[8]; M[r[14]+.c]=r[8]; Register allocation: replace M[r[14]+.c] with r[10] r[8]=M[r[14]+.c]; Dataflow analysis: M[r[14]+.c] is dead 1/13/2019 SAC03

12 Calculating the Extent of a Region After a Transformation
IC=r[8]?0; PC=IC<0,L14; r[8]=r[9]; r[10]=r[8]; PC=L15; r[8]=r[9]; r[8]=-r[8]; r[10]=r[8]; Register allocation: replace M[r[14]+.c] with r[10] r[8]=r[10]; r[10]: Dataflow analysis: r[10] is dead 1/13/2019 SAC03

13 Merging the Effects of a Region
IC=r[8]?0; PC=IC<0,L14; effects r[8]=r[9]; r[10]=r[8]; PC=L15; r[8]=r[9]; r[8]=-r[8]; r[10]=r[8]; r[8]=r[9]; r[10]=r[9]; r[8]=-r[9]; r[10]=-r[9]; Register allocation: replace M[r[14]+.c] with r[10] r[8]=r[10]; r[10]: Dataflow analysis: r[10] is dead { -r[9] if IC<0 r[8]= r[9] if IC>=0 1/13/2019 SAC03

14 Merging the Effects Within a Single Block
region effects Merging (Before Transformation) Merging (After Transformation) r[16]=0; r[17]=HI[_s]; r[19]=r[17]+LO[_s]; r[17]: r[17]=r[16]+r[19]; r[16]: r[16]=0; r[16]: r[17]=HI[_s]; r[19]=r[17]+LO[_s]; r[17]: r[17]=r[19]; r[16]=0; r[17]=HI[_s]; r[19]=r[17]+LO[_s]; r[17]: r[17]=r[16]+r[19]; r[16]: r[17]=HI[_s]; r[19]=r[17]+LO[_s]; r[17]: r[17]=r[19]; r[16]=0; r[19]=HI[_s]+LO[_s]; r[17]=r[16]+r[19]; r[16]: r[19]=HI[_s]+LO[_s]; r[17]=r[19]; r[17]=HI[_s]+LO[_s]; r[19]=HI[_s]+LO[_s]; 1/13/2019 SAC03

15 Extending the Scope of a Region
effects Before Transformation After Transformation r[16]=0; r[17]=HI[_s]; r[19]=r[17]+LO[_s]; r[17]: r[17]=r[16]+r[19]; r[16]: r[16]=0; r[16]: r[17]=HI[_s]; r[19]=r[17]+LO[_s]; r[17]: r[17]=r[19]; r[17]=HI[_s]+LO[_s]; r[19]=HI[_s]+LO[_s]; r[17]=r[16]+r[19]; r[17]=HI[_s]+LO[_s]; r[19]=HI[_s]+LO[_s]; r[17]=r[19]; Not equivalent Equivalent 1/13/2019 SAC03

16 Merging Potential Set/Use Alias
region effects M[r[2]] and M[r[3]] are potential aliases M[r[2]]=r[4]; r[5]=M[r[3]]; { r[4] if r[2]==r[3] M[r[2]]=r[4]; r[5]= M[r[3]] if r[2]!=r[3] 1/13/2019 SAC03

17 Merging Potential Set/Set Alias
region effects M[r[2]] and M[r[3]] are potential aliases M[r[2]]=r[4]; M[r[3]]=r[5]; { r[5] if r[2]==r[3] M[r[3]]=r[5]; M[r[2]]= r[4] if r[2]!=r[3] 1/13/2019 SAC03

18 Merging Conditional Effects
B1 M[r[14]+.v]=r[8]; IC=r[8]?0; PC=IC>=0,B3; M[r[14]+.v]=(r[8] if r[8]>=0); M[r[14]+.v]=(r[8] if r[8]<0); B2 r[9]=-r[8]; M[r[14]+.v]=r[9]; r[9]: r[9] is dead M[r[14]+.v]=(-r[8] if r[8]<0); { join r[8] if r[8]>=0 M[r[14]+.v]= -r[8] if r[8]<0 B3 r[8]=M[r[14]+.v]; .v: .v is dead { r[8] if r[8]>=0 r[8]= -r[8] if r[8]<0 1/13/2019 SAC03

19 Loop Effects B1 M[r[14]]=0; r[14]=r[14]+4; IC=r[8]?0; r[8]=r[8]-1;
PC=IC>=0,B1; M[r[14]..r[14]+4*i]=0; r[8]=r[8]-i; M[y(B1,w+4,r[14]) until y(B1,w-1,r[8])<0]=0; r[8]=y(B2,w-1,r[8]) until y(B1,w-1,r[8])<0; 1/13/2019 SAC03

20 Normalization of Effects
{ 0+r[8] if r[8]==0 -r[8] if r[8]<0 and r[8]!=0 r[8] if r[8]>0 and r[8]!=0 Get semantic effects at exit points Ctadel algebraic simplifier Fixed set of rewrite rules DNF Logic+guards Arithmetic Normalized effects at exit points r[8]= { r[8] if r[8]>=0 -r[8] if r[8]<0 1/13/2019 SAC03

21 Normalization of Effects with DAGs
M[r[14]]+.v]=r[8]; IC=r[8]?0; PC=IC>=0,B3 M[r[14]+.v]=(r[8] if r[8]>=0); M[r[14]+.v]=(r[8] if r[8]<0); r[9]=-r[8]; M[r[14]+.v]=r[9]; r[9]: M[r[14]+.v]=(-r[8] if r[8]<0); >=0 M[r[14].v] r[8] if = <0 if = - = if 1/13/2019 SAC03

22 Benchmarks 1/13/2019 SAC03

23 Benchmarks 1/13/2019 SAC03

24 Benchmarks 1/13/2019 SAC03

25 Conclusions Validation of both compiler and hand-specified optimizations Keep memory requirement low with DAG representation Overhead is reasonable to justify assurance 1/13/2019 SAC03

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