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#16 Who Speaks into Your Life?

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Presentation on theme: "#16 Who Speaks into Your Life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 #16 Who Speaks into Your Life?
church The message of 1Corinthians for today mess y #16 Who Speaks into Your Life? 1Corinthians 6:1-6

2 #16 Who Speaks into Your Life?
1Corinthians 6:1-6 mess y church

3 Corinth #16 Who Speaks into Your Life? 1Corinthians 6:1-6 y mess
church Corinth

4 #16 Who Speaks into Your Life?
1Corinthians 6:1-6 mess y church There was a lot of mess in the church in Corinth... Attitudes Division (1:10-17) Pride (1:18-22) Lawsuits (6:1-11) Theology Freedom (ch 8-10) Resurrection (ch 15) Sexuality Prostitution (6:12-20) Incest (5:1-13) Sex-is-unspiritual (ch 7) Divorce (ch 7) Church Communion (11:17-34) Spiritual gifts (ch 12-14)

5 #16 Who Speaks into Your Life?
1Corinthians 6:1-6 mess y church How to deal with a dispute in the church… You’re part of the Kingdom of God – act like it!

6 #16 Who Speaks into Your Life?
1Corinthians 6:1-6 mess y church the Matthew 18 model “As an unbeliever” 5 “As a brother/sister” 4 3 2 One or two others 1 Tell it to the church Self-discipline One-to-one Into the world Informal Formal

7 #16 Who Speaks into Your Life?
1Corinthians 6:1-6 mess y church How to deal with a dispute in the church… You’re part of the Kingdom of God – act like it! Use the Matthew 18 model So should a Christian ever take another Christian to court? Not if it’s trivial. Yes if it’s serious. Romans 13:1-4

8 #16 Who Speaks into Your Life?
1Corinthians 6:1-6 mess y church v4 Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, do you ask for a ruling from those whose way of life is scorned in the church? Be careful who speaks into your life! “You become like the 5 people you spend most time with” Matthew 7:17 What’s the fruit of their own advice?

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