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Target Heart Rate Zone How Fast should I go?.

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Presentation on theme: "Target Heart Rate Zone How Fast should I go?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Target Heart Rate Zone How Fast should I go?

2 Target Heart Rate Zone This refers to the exercise intensity that you should be at in order to ensure that you are achieving a cardiorespiratory benefit! during your exercise. If you don’t exercise hard enough you may not actually be benefiting your heart and lungs….this method helps you figure out if you are working hard enough. So…..let’s get started! First you need to find your Resting Heart Rate (RHR)

3 Step 1: Resting Heart Rate
R.H.R. is the measured in beats per minute (bpm) The average person has a R.H.R. of 70-72bpm In order to calculate R.H.R. relax for five minutes then find your pulse at your carotid artery. Take your pulse for ten seconds (looking at a watch and feeling for your pulse). Multiply that number by 6 Be sure to use your index and middle finger to take your pulse at your carotid artery just to the side of your throat, your thumb has it’s own pulse so don’t use that!

4 Step 2: Maximum Heart Rate
MHR or Maximum Heart Rate 220 – Age So….a 15 year old would have a MHR of 205 (220-15) 16 year old would have a MHR of 204 (220-16) 17 year old would have MHR of 203

5 Step 3: Heart Rate Reserve
H.R.R. Is the number or amount of beats per minute that your body can devote towards physical activity. The more beats your body uses for rest, the less beats can be used for exercise. Calculate your H.R.R. by subtracting your R.H.R. from your M.H.R. So…if a 15 year old person had a resting heart rate of 65 then their H.R.R. would be …. 205 (MHR) -65 (RHR) = 140 (HRR) So because this person devotes 65bpm to rest, they have 140bpm reserved for activity! WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THEY HAD A RESTING HEART RATE OF 85bpm?

THR Zone is (50 – 85% of HRR) + RHR So for a 15 year old…. MHR = 205bpm RHR of 65 bpm Thus HRR is 140bpm So…THR lower limit is (140 X.50) + 65 = = 135 bpm So…THR upper limit is (140 X .85) + 65 = =184 bpm

7 So now we need to work backwards…
Remember that when exercising it will be easier to take your pulse for 10 seconds then for 1 minute so…… Lower limit: 135bpm = 22.5 beats per ten seconds (135 divided by 6) Upper limit: 184bpm = 31 beats per ten seconds (184 divided by 6)

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