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Examine the projected photograph, and imagine that you are a government official who must respond to the pleas of these children. What will you tell them.

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Presentation on theme: "Examine the projected photograph, and imagine that you are a government official who must respond to the pleas of these children. What will you tell them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examine the projected photograph, and imagine that you are a government official who must respond to the pleas of these children. What will you tell them can be done to help them and their families?

2 Decide which of the three responses you most agree with
Response A “America won’t let you down, kids. If your parents work really hard, they will eventually find jobs to support you and your family. In this country, hard work and perseverance always pay off. Maybe for right now, though, your church or a charity near your home can help your family. Personal responsibility and local organizations are the answers to your problems.” Response B “I feel truly horrible about your situation. You must be very hungry. But help is on the way. Soon the government will start programs to provide jobs for your parents. The government will make sure you are fed, too. The president and Congress will help you. More government programs is the answer to your problems.” Response C “Wealthy Americans must stop being so greedy! The government needs to tax the wealthy heavily and give some of that money to those who live in poverty. Redistributing or sharing the wealth is the answer to your problems.”

3 Herbert Hoover “Our system is…founded on the conception that only through liberty, through freedom to the individual, will his initiative and enterprise be summoned to spur the march of progress…It is in the further development of this…sense of responsibility that we should find [the] solution for many of our Complex problems, and not by the extension of the government into our economic and social life.”

4 Franklin D. Roosevelt “We have two problems – First to meet the immediate distress; second to build up a basis of permanent employment. As to immediate relief, the first principle is that this nation, this national government if you like, owes a positive duty that no citizens shall be permitted to starve. In addition to providing emergency relief, the federal government should and must provide temporary workwherever that is possible”

5 Actions – More Government Involvement
- “Do Nothing” Roosevelt’s Liberal Actions – More Government Involvement FDR designed the Civilian Conservation Corp. giving young men jobs, in national parks. set up the Agricultural Adjustment Act to help farmers. Tennessee Valley Authority funded construction of dams and power plants. Banking Act of 1933 establishes the FDIC to ensure bank deposits. Hoover’s Conservative Actions – Less Government Involvement tried voluntary cooperation by urging successful banks to loan money to failing banks Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act – increased taxes on imported goods encouraged traditional American self-reliance, which he called rugged individualism fear of endangering free enterprise Support for social security. Support of the FDIC. Support labor unions

6 Critics of the New Deal Republicans – disliked deficit spending; too much government involvement Democrats – New Deal did not do enough Progressives and Socialist shared these beliefs Huey Long, Father Coughlin, Francis Townsend, and the Liberty League

7 Father Coughlin Francis Townsend
“Radio Priest” who attacked FDR’s New Deal – believed it was not doing enough prevented by the Catholic Church from broadcasting after he praised Hitler. Francis Townsend Believed that the government should pay people over 60 years old $200 a month to retire Believed this would free up jobs for the unemployed and increase consumer spending

8 Huey Long Louisiana politician
Improved schools, colleges, hospitals, and built roads and bridges Built a corrupt and powerful political machine in Louisiana suggested redistributing wealth and would give people jobs if the people would give him absolute power.

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