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Sunny b. ojeda, rmp Plumbing & Technical drafting teacher

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1 Sunny b. ojeda, rmp Plumbing & Technical drafting teacher
POINTERS IN TEACHING Sunny b. ojeda, rmp Plumbing & Technical drafting teacher



4 POINTERS IN TEACHING Prepare the lesson plan (semi-detailed) with appropriate objectives. Present the instructional objectives clearly thus giving your students a sense of direction. Employ motivational activity or ice breaker in your lesson. Avoid teacher - centered type of teaching try to include other teaching strategies. Use appropriate instructional media.

5 POINTERS IN TEACHING Ask and solicit answers from your students (by considering the art of questioning). Talk to the class as to avoid talking awkwardly to black/white board. Discuss the lesson comprehensively and confidently in a manner that is grammatically correct. Incorporate application and formative assessment to reinforce effective learning.

6 POINTERS IN TEACHING Provide performance and/or summative test that will measure students’ progress. Establish a class atmosphere conducive for learning including classroom management (e.g.prayer, class discipline, housekeeping, attendance). Speak in a well-modulated voice. Come to class in respectable and dignified attire. Be organized in presenting board work.

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