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Quran Appreciation.

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1 Quran Appreciation


3 LO: To understand verses 28-30 Starter: Talk in groups of four/pairs
Lesson 1 LO: To understand verses 28-30 Starter: Talk in groups of four/pairs What can you recall from last term? Get students to Play ‘continue the verse’. (see notes on how to play) Select a student to recite any ayah of sura yasin that they can recall. Then they select another child to say the next one. Can use Holy Quran if some children not confident

4 Verse 28-30 28.And We did not send down upon his people after him armies from heaven, nor do We ever send down. (wa maa anzalna alaa qawmihi min ba’dihee min jundin minas samaa ee wa maa qunna munzilin’ 29.It was a single shout, and they were extinguished. 30. Alas for the slaves! Never does the messenger come to them but they mock him

5 Quick recap event of story of Habib ibn Najjar
Verses talks about God’s anger. A believer is very dear to Allah (swt) and killing of a believer is a serious misdeed. According to different narrations, either at that moment or a day or two later Allah punished the oppressors.

6 What does a believer mean to you?
Can you think of some characteristics he/she would have?

7 The word ‘jund’ (armies) in this verse means angelic forces accompanying each other.
Think of a soldier in an army – he only carries out orders from a higher command.

8 The Angels coming down or not (for affection/ wrath ) depends on the command of Allah.
However, the Wrath of Allah comes all of a sudden and we should not be neglectful. Paired talk: Think about things that we should try not be neglectful about?

9 29.It was a single shout, and they were extinguished.
Who was extinguished? Why? According to different tafaseer the single shout could have various meanings. Whatever it was, it was no more than a Blast happened in a fleeting moment. It was a ‘cry’ which made all cries silent, and it was a shock which caused all to be motionless. This emphasises the POWER of Allah (swt) Teacher to look at notes to see various meanings of what verse 29 could mean. Like thunder bolt/horrific earth quake OR shock of awakening of an individual. Teacher can narrate story from notes

10 Allah calls everyone a slave (abd).
. “Alas for the servants! Never came there unto them a messenger but they used to mock him!” Allah calls everyone a slave (abd). Everyone is enslaved in some way because no one can escape death or the fact that one must breath and eat. Allah explains in the Quran that those who mock receive the worst of afflictions; both outwardly and inwardly. The purpose of the path of islam is to demonstrate the boundaries, the trangression of which will only bring affliction, agony and trouble now and in the future. Mockery dispels energy, while the path of islam, the path of positive being, preserves energy for success. The only purpose of the path of submission is to bypass the ego, the illusory ‘ I/me’ when the ego is extinguished, then the opening to reality which is already there appears.

11 What might we be enslaved with?
What can take us closer to Allah (swt) or away from Him ? Group discussions

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