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High Harmonic Generation in Ionization of Magnetically Dressed Atoms

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1 High Harmonic Generation in Ionization of Magnetically Dressed Atoms
APS Centennial Meeting Atlanta DAMOP Undergraduate Research Symposium High Harmonic Generation in Ionization of Magnetically Dressed Atoms Robert E. Wagner Freshman Intense Laser Physics Theory Unit Illinois State University

2 National Science Foundation
Acknowledgment Undergrad researchers: P. Peverly, electron dynamics J. Braun, quantum simulations J. Csesznegi, graphics T. Shepherd, animations Advisors: Profs. Q. Su, R. Grobe Support: National Science Foundation Research Corporation ISU Honor’s Program

3 Scattered Light Spectra in Ionization
w3 w2 wL wL w1 ? ? ? I(w) wL w

4 Relativistic Newton Equations
RK-4 variable step size simulation Spectra of scattered light

5 Non-relativistic regime: E < 1 a.u.
 = L L + M a (L + M = odd)  = L L (L = odd) Shifted atomic lines Laser Intensity w = wL Rapid ionization




9 Relativistic regime: E > 1 a.u.
 = L L (L = even + odd) Laser Intensity Relativistic redshift




13 Magnetically dressed atoms
Perturbative regime: E < 0.1 a.u. Non-rel. strong field: 0.1 < E < 1.0 a.u. Laser Intensity Relativistic magnetic resonances: E > 1.0 a.u.

14 Non-rel. Perturbative Regime: E < 0.1
(3,1,1) w = L wL + M w+ + N w- (L + M + N = odd) W = Cyclotron frequency

15 Analytically Soluble Model
— exact

16 Relativistic Magnetic Resonances
Typical Orbit Maximum displacement How do the spectra evolve as a function of W?




20 Summary - W=0 -> main features understood
- Analytical model -> retardation effects in spectra - Novel rel. resonances enhance higher harmonics - Challenges ahead: coherence, quantum aspects... R. E. Wagner, Q. Su and R. Grobe, Phys. Rev. A (submitted)

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