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Did you know Prairie Elementary Is Becoming a Solar School?

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1 Did you know Prairie Elementary Is Becoming a Solar School?
Prairie Elementary was awarded a grant through Illinois Clean Energy for a 1kW Solar Photovoltaic system. Solar schools use a solar electricity installation as a teaching tool using live data so students can see how much electricity their systems are creating from solar panels at our school. Solar panels also provide education about how solar energy works and why solar energy is important to our energy.

2 With a functioning solar 1kW Solar Photovoltaic system at our school tied into the grid, with online monitoring capabilities we will be able to: Study our solar system performance online. Complete projects, assignments, lessons & activities surrounding our solar system. Enhance student’s understanding of solar energy and it’s environmental impact.

3 First Grade-Earth Science
Possible Curriculum Connections….. First Grade-Earth Science Students do activities to help them learn what the sun does for the earth and its movement across the sky. They chart temperature and seasons and learn about the earth’s dependence on the sun for heat and light.   The solar cell will help the students become aware of sunny days despite the temperature and how the sun can be used to as a source of energy.

4 Third Grade-Light and Solar System
Students learn to identify patterns and changes in the sky relative to the movement of the earth, identify the interconnections of earth/space, and explore how people have explained the sun, moon, and stars through time. Students learn how to use appropriate equipment and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data. Acquiring a solar cell will allow the 3rd grade students a more interactive experience monitoring the amount of light being produced throughout the day depending on the time of day and the amount of cloud cover.

5 Fifth Grade-Energy Students study various types of energy transfers.
Students will be able to learn about how solar energy works, the benefits, efficiency, and different types of renewable energy such as solar pv, solar thermal, passive solar, geothermal, and wind turbines.    The PV cells will allow students to understand how these cells are powered by the sun, how much energy or kwhs different size systems will produce, and how weather conditions affect performance. 

6 Coming in 2018-2019 the Next Generation Science Standards……
A new Science curriculum will be launched in The grant will enhance our studies. Our teachers are excited to incorporate solar into this curriculum wherever possible: K-Weather and Climate 1-Space Systems, Patterns and Cycles 2-Structures Properties of Matter 3-Weather/Climate 4-Energy 5-Earth’s Systems  

7 Please Donate!!!! Show Me The Money…..
In addition to the grant money, we also have been given a generous donation by Earth Wind & Solar, our solar installer, to cover 10% of the installation cost. Prairie Home and School is helping us raise funds for the extra cost of the awning installation on the side of the school to allow greater visibility to our students. So … Please Donate!!!!

8 Prairie’s 1kW Solar PV Array
4 (250 watt) solar panels & each solar panel has its own micro-inverter. Tied into the grid & is expected to produce approximately 1,200 kwhs of electricity a year. That is about 100 kwhs of electricity on average a month. This could power a computer, a few light bulbs or classroom. Lifetime online monitoring where students & teachers can access real time data on how much electricity the solar PV array is producing daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally or annually. Displays the carbon offset & environmental impact the system is having e.g. how many trees the school is saving or number of cars taking off the road, etc. Online datalink to access the system. It can also be posted on our website, where students & everyone can freely access to monitor, study or observe.

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